PATRON AND PRESIDent. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF GLOUCESTER, K. G. VICE-PRESIDENTS. His Grace the ARCHBISHOP of CANTERBURY. The Lord BISHOP of DURHAM. The Lord BISHOP of BATH and WELLS. The Lord BISHOP of ST. DAVID'S. The Right Honourable LORD HOLLAND. The Right Honourable LORD HEADLEY. The Right Honourable LORD TEIGNMOUTH. The Right Honourable NICHOLAS VANSITTART, M. P. The Right Honourable GEORGE CANNING, M. P. The Right Honourable J. C. VILLIERS, M. P. The Right Honourable WILLIAM HUSKISSON, M. P. THOMAS CLARKSON, Esq. JAMES STEPHEN, Esq. DIRECTORS. The Rt. Hon. CHAS. GRANT, M.p. GEORGE HARRISON, Esq. W. W. WHITMORE, Esq., M. P. AUDITORS. HENRY DOBBS, Esq.; WILLIAM GILES, Esq.; ANTHONY HIGHMORE, JUN., Esq. Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, Bart., M. P. His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester POSTSCRIPT.-Copy of an Address of the House of } A.-Copy of an Address of both Houses of Parliament to 57-62 B.-Documents shewing the state of the Slave Trade on .......... 62-85 2. Memorandum on the state of the Slave Trade at that time 3. Return of Slave Vessels examined by his Majesty's Gun-Brig 4. Return of Slave-Vessels with French Flags and French Papers boarded by the Myrmidion in the River Bonny, October 1821.. 5. Return of French Vessels boarded by his Majesty's Brig Snap- 6. Report on the state of the Slave Trade made by the British Commissioners of the Mixed Commission Court at Sierra Leone, to the Marquess of Londonderry, on the 16th April 1821, with ..... 7. Extract from the Report of Commodore Sir George Collier, 85-104 3. Abstract of the Cases of Portuguese Slave-Ships condemned in the Mixed Commission Courts ....................................................... 88-98 |