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controled by the jealous policy of an insignificant] The tyrants and landlords of the old world, who island. hold a great part of their fellow men in bondage,

We possess thousands and millions of acres, because of their dependence for land, will be oblig. which we may sell out to new settlers, on terms ed to relax of their arbitrary treatment, when they very easy to them, and yet sufficient to defray the find that America is an asylum for freemen from whole expense of the present war. When the quit-all quarters of the globe. They will be cautious rents, formerly paid to the king, shall be appro- of adding to the oppressions of their poor subjects priated to the benefit of the independent states, and tenants, lest they should force them to abanthey will fill our treasuries to so great a degree, don their country, for the enjoyment of the sweets that foreign nations, knowing that we abound in of American liberty. In this view of the matter, I the sinews of war, will be afraid to provoke us. am confident that the cause of America is the cause In a few years, when our finances are properly of human nature, and that it will extend its influarranged, the stoppage of those sums which were ence to thousands who will never see it, and proformerly drained from us, to support the pride cure them a mitigation of the cruelties and oppresand extravagance of the British king, will be an ample provision, without taxes, for defraying the expense of our independent governments.

sions imposed by their arbitrary task-masters.

If such be the glorious consequences of independence, who can be so lost to every generous It is difficult to compute the number of advan sentiment, as to wish to return under royal domi. tages arising from our present glorious struggle; nation? Who would not rather count it an honor harder still, perhaps impossible, precisely to ascertain their extent. It has attracted the atten. to stand among the foremost, in doing and suffertion of all Europe to the nature of civil liberty, ing in a cause so intimately connected with the and the rights of the people. Our constitutions, happiness of human nature? Away with all the pregnant with the seeds of liberty and happiness, and the weight of the taxes. The prize for which peevish complaints of the hardness of the times, have been translated into a variety of languages, and spread far and wide. Who can tell what great double the expense of blood, treasure, and diffiwe contend, would be cheaply purchased with events, now concealed in the womb of time, may culty, it will ever cost us. be brought into existence by the nations of the old world emulating our successful efforts in the Our independent constitutions, formed on the cause of liberty? The thrones of tyranny and des. justest principles, promise fair to give the most potism will totter, when their subjects shall learn perfect protection to life, liberty and property, and know, by our example, that the happiness of equally to the poor and the rich. As at the conof the people is the end and object of all govern-flagration of Corinth, the various melted metals ment. The wondering world has beheld the smiles running together, formed a new one, called Corinof Heaven on the numerous sons of America, re. thian brass, which was superior to any of its comsolving to die or be free: Perhaps this noble ex-ponent parts; in like manner, perhaps it is the will ample, like a wide spreading conflagration, may catch from breast to breast, and extend from na tion to nation, till tyranny and oppression are ut terly extirpated from the face of the earth.*

of Heaven, that a new empire should be here,formed, of the different nations of the old world, which will rise superior to all that have gone before it, and extend human happiness to its utmost possible limits. None can tell to what perfection the arts

*Britain will eventually lose less by our independence, than is commonly supposed. The king of government may be brought. May we not there. and ministers may be cured of their lust of domi- fore expect great things from the patriots of this nation, and will be deprived of influence and the generation, jointly co-operating to make the new means of corruption. While she had a monopoly

of our trade, it encouraged idleness and extrava born republic of America as complete as possible? gance in her manufacturers; because they were Is it not to be hoped, that human nature will here sure of a market for their goods, though dear and receive her most finished touches? That the arts ill made: But, as independence will bestow our commerce on those who most deserve it, this will and sciences will be extended and improved? That be the means of introducing frugality and indus religion, learning, and liberty, will be diffused try among her laboring poor. Our population will be so much the more rapid for our free govern over this continent? and in short, that the Ameriments, that, in my humble opinion, that part of our can editions of the human mind will be more pertrade which will fall to the share of Great Britain, fect than any that have yet appeared? Great things if she has the wisdom to conclude a speedy peace, have been achieved in the infancy of states; and will be more to her advantage than a monopoly of the whole of it, if we had remained subjects. the ardor of a new people, rising to empire and

renown, with prospects that tend to elevate the hu- [by what has heretofore happened, considered the man soul, encourages these flattering expectations. expectation thereof as romantic: But He, who sitShould any puny politician object, that all these teth at the helm of the universe, and who boweth prospects are visionary, till we are certain of inde- the hearts of a whole nation as the heart of one pendence, I reply, that we have been in possession man, for the accomplishment of his own purposes, of it for two years, and are daily more able to sup. has effected that, which to human wisdom and port it, and our enemies less able to overset it. foresight seemed impossible. A review of the When we first dared to contend with Britain, we history of America, from its first discovery to the were a loose, disjointed people, under no other present day, forces upon us a belief, that greater government but that of a well regulated mob. If blessings are reserved for this continent, than she in these circumstances, we were able to defend ever could have possessed whilst lying low at the ourselves, what may we not expect, when we can foot of an European island.

draw forth our whole strength in a regular, constiIt has never yet been fairly tried how far the tutional manner? If the maiden courage of our equal principles of republican government would new levies, has successfully withstood the well secure the happiness of the governed. The antrained bands of our enemies, can we distrust, cients, unacquainted with the present mode of taking when three campaigns have made them equal in the sense of the people by representatives, were too discipline, with those whom they are to contend? apt, in their public meetings, to run into disorder Such is the situation of Britain, that were we only and confusion. The distinction of patricians and ple able to keep up the appearance of an army, she bians, laid the foundation of perpetual discord in the could not afford to protract the war: But instead of Roman commonwealth. If the free states of Greece this, our troops are more numerous, better discip. had been under the control of a common superintend. lined, cloathed and armed, than they ever were. ing power, similar to our continental congress,* The most timid may dismiss all their doubts, since they could have peaceably decided their disputes, Louis the XVI. of France, that illustrious protec- and probably would have preserved their freetor of the rights of human nature, with a magnani dom and importance to the present day. Happily mity worthy of himself, has guaranteed to us our for us, warned by experience, we have guarded independency. If Britain could not subdue Ame- against all these evils. No artificial distinction of rica, when she stood single and alone, how abortive ranks has been suffered to take place among us. must all her attempts prove, when we are aided We can peaceably convene a state in one small asby the power of the greatest European monarch?sembly of deputies, representing the whole in an The special interposition of Providence in our behalf, makes it impious to disbelieve the final establishment of our heaven-protected independence. Can any one seriously review the beginning, progress, and present state of the war, and not see indisputable evidence of an over-ruling influence on the minds of men, preparing the way for the accomplishment of this great event?

*Their council of Amphictyones in some things, resembled our congress; but their powers were too limited. This suggests a hint, that a consideration of the United States, on principles that vest the congress with ample powers, is most likely to perpetuate our republican governments and internal tranquility. The union of independent commonwealths, under one common head, is an application of the social compact to states, and requires powers proportionably enlarged. TreaAs all the tops of corn, in a waving field, are in-son in our governments, puts on a new aspect, and clined in one direction by a gust of wind, in like manner, the governor of the world has given one, and the same universal bent of inclination to the

may be committed by a state as well as an individual; and therefore ought to be clearly defined, and carefull guarded against.

To give permanency to our confederation on rewhole body of our people. Is it a work of man, expedient: That congress should have a power to publican principles, the following regulations seem that thirteen states, frequently quarrelling about limit or divide large states, and to erect new opes: boundaries, clashing in interests, differing in poli- To dispose of the money arising from quit-rents and vacant lands, at least till all the expenses of ey, manners, customs, forms of government, and the war are sunk: To establish a general intercourse religion, scattered over an extensive continent, between the states, by assigning to each, one or under the influence of a variety of local prejudices, more manufactories, with which it should furnish the rest; so as to create a reciprocal dependence jealousies, and aversions, should all harmoniously of each, upon the whole: To erect a great contiagree, as if one mighty mind inspired the whole?

nental university, where gentlemen from all the

Our enemies seemed confident of the impossi-states may form an acquantance, receive the finish. ing touches of education, and be inspired with bility of our union; our friends doubted it; and all continental liberality of mind, superior to local indifferent persons, who judged of things present, prejudices, and favorable to a confederated union.


liberty, light, and polished life. Our indepen. dence will redeem one quarter of the globe from tyranny and oppression, and consecrate it the chosen seat of truth, justice, freedom, learning and religion. We are laying the foundation of happiness for countless millions. Generations yet un. born will bless us for the blood-bought inheritance, we are are about to bequeath them. Oh happy times! Oh glorious days! Oh kind, indulgent, boun

equal proportion. All disputes between the dif- the mountains, illuminating our hemisphere with ferent states, and all continental concerns, are to be managed by a congress of representatives from each. What a security for liberty, for union, for every species of political happiness! Small states are weak, and incapable of defence, large ones are unwieldly, greatly abridge natural liberty, and their general laws, from a variety of clashing interests, must frequently bear hard on many individuals: But our confederation will give us the strength and protection of a power equal to that of the tiful Providence, that we live in this highly favor greatest; at the same time that, in all our internal ed period, and have the honor of helping forward concerns, we have the freedom of small indepen- these great events, and of suffering in a cause of dent commonwealths. We are in possession of such infinite importance! constitutions that contain in them the excellencies

of all forms of government, free from the inconve

Judge Drayton's Charge.

niences of each; and in one word, we bid fair to be At an adjournment of the court of GENERAL SES. the happiest and freest people in the world for ages yet to come.

When I anticipate in imagination the future glory of my country, and the illustrious figure it will soon make one the theatre of the world, my heart

SIONS OF THE PEACE, OYER AND TERMINER, ASSIZE AND GENERAL GAOL DELIVERY, held at Charleston for the district of Charleston, on Tuesday the 23d day of April, 1776-Before the hon. WIL LIAM HENRY DRAYTON, esq. chief justice, and his associates, justices of the colony of SouthCarolina.

That the charge of his honor, the chief justice, delivered to the grand jury, be published toge ther with their presentments.

May 2d.

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By order of the court,

distends with generous pride for being an Ameri-On motion of Mr. Attorney General, ORDERED, can. What a substratum for empire! compared with which, the foundation of the Macedonian, the Roman, and the British, sink into insignificance. Some of our large states have territory superior to the island of Great Britain; whilst the whole, together, are little inferior to Europe itself. Our independence will people this extent of country with freemen, and will stimulate the innumerable inhabitants thereof, by every motive, to perfect the acts of government, and to extend human happiness.


Gentlemen of the grand jury-When, by evil machinations tending to nothing less than absolute ty. ranny, trials by jury have been discontinued, and juries, in discharge of their duty, have assembled, and as soon as met, as silently and arbitrarily disI congratulate you on our glorious prospects. missed without being impannelled, whereby, in conHaving for three long years weathered the storms tempt of magna charta, justice has been delayed of adversity, we are at length arrived in view of the and denied; it cannot but afford to every good citi. calm haven of peace and security. We have laid the zen, the most sincere satisfaction, once more to foundations of a new empire, which promises to see juries, as they now are, legally impannelled, to enlarge itself to vast dimensions, and to give hap- the end, that the laws may be duly administeredpiness to a great continent. It is now our turn to I do most heartily congratulate you upon so imfigure on the face of the earth, and in the annals of portant an event.

the world. The arts and sciences are planted In this court, where silence has but too long among us, and, fostered by the auspicious influ- presided, with a direct purpose to loosen the bands ence of equal governments, are growing up to ma- of government, that this country might be involv turity, while truth and freedom flourish by their ed in anarchy and confusion, you are now met to sides. Liberty, both civil and religious, in her regulate your verdicts, under a new constitution of noon-tide blaze, shines forth with unclouded lustre government, independent of royal authority: A constitution which arose according to the great

on all ranks and denominations of men.

Ever since the flood, true religion, literature, law of nature and of nations, and which was es arts, empire and riches, have taken a slow and tablished in the late congress, on the 26th of gradual course from east to west, and are now March last-A day that will be ever memorable about fixing their long and favorite abode in this in this country-a month, remarkable in our histo new western world. Our sun of political happi- ry, for having given birth to the original constitu. ness is already risen, and hath lifted its head over' tion of our government in the year 1669; for being

the era of the American calamities by the stamp act, 1721, RECOGNIZED the British monarch: The virtues in the year 1765; for being the date of the repeal of the second George are still revered among us— of that act in the following year; and for the con- HE was the father of his people: And it was with clusion of the famous siege of Boston, when the extacy we saw his grandson, George the Third, American arms compelled general Howe, a gene-mount the throne possessed of the hearts of his

But alas! almost with the commencement of his

ral of the first reputation in the British service, subjects. with the largest, best disciplined, and best provided army in that service, supported by a formid-reign, his subjects felt causes to complain of goable fleet, so precipitately to abandon the most vernment. The reign advanced-the grievances impregnable fortifications in America, as that he became more numerous and intollerable--the comleft behind him a great part of the bedding, mili-plaints more general and loud-the whole empire tary stores, and cannon of the army. And for so resounded with the cries of injured subjects! At many important events, is the month of March re-length, grievances being unredressed and ever en markable in our annals-But I proceed to lay be- creasing; all patience being borne down; all hope fore you, the principal causes reading to the late destroyed; all confidence in royal government revolution of our government-the law upon the blasted!-Behold! the empire is rent from pole to point-and the benefits resulting from that happy pole!-perhaps to continue asunder forever. and necessary establishment.-The importance of the transaction deserves such a state-the occa

The catalogue of our oppressions, continental and local, is enormous. Of such oppressions, I will mention only some of the most weighty.

Under color of law, the king and parliament of Great Britain have made the most arbitrary attempts to enslave America:

sion demands,—and our future welfare requires
it: To do this may take up some little time; but
the subject is of the highest moment, and worthy
of your particular attention: I will therefore con.
fme my discourse to that great point; and, after
charging you to attend to the due observance of
the jury law, and the patrol and negro acts, for-
bearing to mention the other common duties of a
grand jury, I will expound to you THE CONSTITU-upon all the colonies;



By laying duties at their mere will and pleasure

By suspending the legislature of New York;

The house of Brunswick was yet scarcely settled in the British throne, to which it had been called by a free people, when, in the year 1719, our ancestors in this country, finding that the go. vernment of the lords proprietors operated to their ruin, exercised the rights transmitted to them by their forefathers of England; and casting off the proprietary authority, called upon the house of Brunswick to rule over them-a house elevated to royal dominion, for no other purpose than to preserve to a people their unalienable rights. The By sending to, and continuing in America, in king accepted the invitation, and thereby indispu- time of peace, an armed force without and against tably admitted the legality of that revolution. And the consent of the people;

By rendering the American charters of no validity, having annulled the most material parts of the charter of the Massachusetts-Bay;

By divesting multitudes of the colonists of their property, without legal accusation or trial;

By depriving whole colonies of the bounty of Providence on their own proper coasts, in order to coerce them by famine;

By restricting the trade and commerce of America;

murder the Americans;

in so doing, by his own act, he vested in those By granting impunity to a soldiery instigated to Gur forefathers, and us their posterity, a clear right to effect another revolution, if ever the government of the house of Brunswick should operate to the ruin of the people.-So the excellent Roman emperor, Trajan, delivered a sword to Saburanus, his cap. tain of the Prætorian guard, with this admired sentence. "Receive this sword, and use it to de

fend me if I govern well, but against me, if I be

bave ill."

With joyful acclamations our ancestors, by act

By declaring, that the people of MassachusettsBay are liable for offences, or pretended offences, done in that colony, to be sent to, and tried for the same in ENGLAND; or in any COLONY WHERE they cannot have the benefit of a jury of the vicinage;

By establishing in Quebec, the Roman Ca...olic

religion, and an arbitrary government; instead of

the Protestant religion and a free government.

And thus America saw it demonstrated, that no

of assembly, passed on the 18th day of August, faith ought to be put in a royal proclamatic. for

I must observe to you that, in the year 1763, by Įtime, measures might be taken for preventing the such a proclamation, people were invited to settle further destruction of the lives of his majesty's in Canada, and were assured of a legislative re- subjects:"-But, it was in vain!-The petition on presentation, the benefit of the common law of the part of millions, praying that the effusion of England, and a free government. It is a misfor-blood might be STAYED, was not thought worthy of tune to the public, that this is not the only in- an answer! The nefarious war continued. The stance of the inefficacy of a royal proclamation: ruins of Charlestown, Falmouth and Norfolk, towns However, having given you one instance of a failure not constructed for offence or defence, mark the of royal faith in the northern extremity of this humane progress of the royal arms: So the ruins of abused continent, let it suffice, that I direct your Carthage, Corinth, and Numantium, proclaimed to attention to the southern extremity; respecting the world that justice was expelled the Roman which, the same particulars were, in the same senate!-On the other hand, the fortitude with manner promised, but the deceived inhabitants of which America has endured these civil and mili St. Augustine are left by their grand jury, in vain tary outrages; the union of her people, as astonishto complain and lament to the world, and yet scarcely permitted to exercise even that privilege distinguishing the miserable, that royal faith is not kept with them.

ing as unprecedented, when we consider their various manners and religious tenets; their distance from each other; their various and clashing local interests, their self denial; and their miraculous The proceedings which I have enumerated, either success in the prosecution of the war: I say, these immediately or in their evident consequences, things all demonstrate that the Lord of Hosts is on deeply affected all the colonies: ruin stared them our side! So it is apparent, that the Almighty Conin the face. They united their counsels, and laid structor of the universe, having formed this contitheir just complaints before the throne, praying nent of materials to compose a state pre-eminent a redress of grievances. But, to their astonish. in the world, is now making use of the tyranny of ment, their dutiful petition for peace and safety, the British rulers, as an instrument to fashion and was answered only by an actual commencement of arrange those materials for the end for which, in his wisdom, he had formed them. war and military destruction!

In the mean time, the British troops that had been peaceably received by the devoted inhabitants of Boston, as the troops of their sovereign bound to protect them! fortified that town, to imprison the inhabitants, and to hold that capital against the people to whom it belonged! And the British rulers having determined to appeal from reason and justice, to violence and arms, a select body of those troops, being in the night suddenly and privately marched from Boston-at Lexington, on the 19th day of April, 1775, they by surprise drew the sword of civil war, and plunged it into the breasts of the Americans! Against this horrid injustice the Almighty gave instant judgment: A handful of country militia, badly armed, sudden.

ly collected, and unconnectedly, and irregularly

brought up to repel the attack, discomfited the

regular bands of the tyranny; they retreated, and night saved them from total slaughter.

In this enlightened age, humanity must be par. ticularly shocked at a recital of such violences; and it is scarce to be believed, that the British ty ranny could entertain an idea of proceeding against America by a train of more dishonorable machinations. But, nothing less than absolute proof has convinced us that, in carrying on the conspiracy against the rights of humanity, the tyranny is ca pable of attempting to perpetrate whatever is infamous.

For the little purpose of disarming the imprisoned inhabitants of Boston, the king's general, Gage, in the face of day, violated the public faith, by himself plighted; and in concert with other governors, and with John Stuart, he made every attempt to instigate the savage nations to war upon the

southern colonies, indiscriminately to massacre man,

woman and child: The governors in general have

demonstrated, that truth is not in them; they have enveigled negroes from, and have armed them Thus forced to take up arms in our own defence, against their masters; they have armed brother America yet again most dutifully petitioned the against brother-son against father!-Oh! Alling, that he would "be pleased to direct some mighty Director of the universe! What confidence mode, by which the united applications of his faith-can be put in a government ruling by such engines, ful colonists to the throne, in presence of their and upon such principles of unnatural destruction! common councils, might be improved into a happy-A government that, upon the 21st day of Decemand permanent reconciliation; and that in the mean- ber last, made a law, ex post facto, to justify what

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