The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal, Volumen79

A. Constable, 1844

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Página 174 - Oh, what was love made for, if 'tis not the same Through joy and through torment, through glory and shame, I know not, I ask not, if guilt's in that heart : I but know that I love thee, whatever thou art.
Página 95 - O Printing! how hast thou disturbed the peace of mankind! That lead, when moulded into bullets, is not so mortal, as when founded into letters. There was a mistake, sure, in the story of Cadmus; and the serpent's teeth, which he sowed, were nothing else but the letters which he invented.
Página 87 - If thou darest to print any lie or libel against Dr. Parker, by the eternal God, I will cut thy throat...
Página 173 - Green Lane. Since that day not a single one has passed, not to speak of nights, in which you have not engrossed more of my thoughts than I could have wished.
Página 271 - But when we put every thing together, sensuality, poltroonery, baseness, effrontery, mendacity, barbarity, the result is something which in a novel we should condemn as caricature, and to which, we venture to say, no parallel can be found in history.
Página 99 - This indigested vomit of the sea Fell to the Dutch by just propriety. " Glad, then, as miners who have found the ore, They, with mad labour...
Página 99 - Holland, that scarce deserves the name of land, As but the offscouring of the British sand, And so much earth as was contributed By English pilots when they heav'd the lead ; Or what by th...
Página 274 - As soon as he ceases to write trifles, he begins to write lies ; and such lies ! A man "who has never been within the tropics does not know what a thunderstorm means ; a man who has never looked on Niagara has but a faint idea of a cataract ; and he who has not read Barere's Memoirs may be said not to know what it is to lie.
Página 132 - That, in -the districts in which females are taken down into the coal mines, both sexes are employed together in precisely the same kind of labour, and work for the same number of hours; that the girls and boys, and the young men and young women, and even married women and women with child, commonly work almost naked, and the men, in many mines, quite naked; and that all classes of witnesses bear testimony to the demoralizing influence of the employment of females underground.
Página 476 - It may be convenient that you should at once be informed, that if the Ameers, or any one of them, should act hostilely, or evince hostile designs against our army, it is my fixed resolution never to forgive the breach of faith, and to exact a penalty which shall be a warning to every chief in India.

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