1782 Thomas Newton, bishop of Bristol, Litchfield: difcourfes on the prophecies, and other works. Sir John Pringle, bart. Roxborougfhire: difeafes of the army. 83 Dr. William Hunter, Lanerkshire anatomy. John James Roffeau, Geneva: Emilius, a treatife on education, diction. ry of Mufic, new Heloife, &c. 84 Dr. Samuel Johnson, Litchfield: English dictionary, biography, died Dec. 13. aged 71. 85 Wm. Whitehead, poet laureat poems and plays. Dr. Thomas Leland, Ireland: hiftory of Ireland, &c. 86 Dr. Gilbert Stuart, Edinburg: hiftory of Mary queen of Scots, hiftory of the reformation, &c. 87 Rev. Dr. Chauncey, Bofton: complete view of the epifcopacy from the fathers, falvation for all men, fermons, tracts, &c. 88 The count de Buffon, Paris: natural hiftory. 90 James Bowdoin, gov. Massachusetts: philofophy, politics. William Livington, gov. New-Jerfey: eflays, poetry, politics. Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Bofton: electricity, natural philosophy: died 91 Rev. John Wesley, divinity, mifcellanies. 92 Henry Laurens, South Carolina: prefident of congrefs, died Dec. 20. 93 George Campbel, D. D. Aberdeen: on the miracles of Jefus, rhetoric. 94 John Hancock, one of the first prefidents of congrefs, and afterwards gov. of Maffachusetts. Marquis de Beccaria: on crimes and punishments, died Nov. 27. Rev. John Witherspoone, prefident of Princeton college, fermons 97 David Rittenhouse L. L. D. President of the philofophical fociety at Philadelphia, died June 20 98 Rev Samuel Buell D. D. Eait-Hampton Long-Ifland - - Rev Mr Manning D D prefident of Rhode-Island college Benjamin Fofter D D paftor of first Baptist church N York, August 26 Dr E. H. Smith, of New-York, eminently distinguished as a Physician and a general fcholar, died September 19 Dr Cooper of Philadelphia, phyfician Dr Sayre, do do Rev Jeremy Belknap D D at Bofton, hiftorian Rev John Clark D D Boston, fermons, effays John B. Hicks D M. eminent for his skill in furgery and anatomy, died 99 Rev John Blair Smith D D late prefident of Union college, Schenectady died August 22 Patrick Henry, efq of Virginia, one of the American envoys to France Dr Perkins eminent for his metallic points, died Sept 5th New-York 100 Meeting of the first congrefs 61.Com- Canonicut Island 22 236 334 May ib 333 Catoque lake 299 480 471 379 Cofawhatchie city Cumberland river Dominica Iland THE Book-binder will take notice, that Page 208 of Cc. Vol. IV. is cancelled; that Signature F f. is doubled, and that with a Star must be an Inset to half-sheet F f. between Page 228 and 229, and that there are two Signatures H h. alike, the one should be H2; and that on the one side of Signature L 3. is printed K 3; the Alphabets are printed A a for 2 A. and what should be 3 A is printed A 2. The Maps are to be placed at the beginning of their respectice Cha ters, and the Chart of Cook's Voyage, to face page 521. Page 345 275 299 388 392 302 |