A New and General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an Historical and Critical Account of the Lives and Writings of the Most Eminent Persons in Every Nation; Particularly the British and Irish; from the Earliest Accounts of Time to the Present Period ...

W. Strahan, 1784

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Página 220 - That he did not beg a long life of God for any other reason, but to live to finish his three remaining Books of Polity; and then, 'Lord, let thy servant depart in peace;'"* which was his usual expression.
Página 50 - Lord was at that time very merry, for he had now outlived the day which his tutor Sandford had prognosticated upon his nativity he would not outlive ; but he had done it now, for that was his birthday, which had completed his age to fifty years. The next morning, by the time they came to Colebrook, they met with the news of his death.
Página 208 - ... the poetical fire was more raging in one, but clearer in the other, which makes the first more amazing, and the latter more agreeable. The ore was richer in one, but in the other more refined, and better allayed to make up excellent work. Upon the whole...
Página 218 - London and accept of her choice; and he did so in that or about the year following. Now the wife provided for him was her daughter Joan, who brought him neither beauty nor portion; and for her conditions, they were too like that wife's which is by Solomon compared to a dripping house; so that the good man had no reason to rejoice in the wife of his youth...
Página 150 - After this he took a comfortable breakfast ; and then went round the lodgings to wait upon the earl, the countess, and the children, and any considerable strangers, paying some short addresses to all of them.
Página 152 - I shall be glad to find a hole to creep out of the world at...
Página 168 - ... room. One of the disputants struck the other on the head with a quart pot, and cut him very much; the blood running down the man's face, together with the agony of the wound, which had distorted his features into a most hideous grin, presented Hogarth (who shewed himself thus early apprised of the mode Nature had intended he should pursue) with too laughable a subject to be overlooked.
Página 170 - Mr. Hogarth's dutiful respects to Lord . Finding that he does not mean to have the picture which was drawn for him, is informed again of Mr. Hogarth's necessity for the money. If, therefore, his Lordship does not send for it in three days it will be disposed of, with the addition of a tail, and some other little appendages, to Mr. Hare, the famous wild-beast man: Mr.
Página 218 - But when his servant returned and released him, then his two pupils attended him unto his house, where their best entertainment was his quiet company, which was presently denied them, for Richard was called to rock the cradle ; and the rest of their welcome was so like this, that they stayed but till next morning, which was time enough to discover and pity their tutor's condition...
Página 375 - He was in a seaman's garb and drinking a pot in a cellar. This scrivener came into the cellar after some of his clients; and his eye caught that face which made him start; and the chancellor, seeing himself eyed, feigned a cough and turned to the wall with his pot in his hand. But Mr. Trimmer...

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