Any proposition which embraces the restoration of peace, the integrity of the whole Union, and the abandonment of slavery, and which comes by and with an authority that can control the armies now at war against the United States, will be received and... The Annual Register - Página 2721865Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | Jesse Ames Spencer - 1866 - 618 páginas
...his private secretary, under date of July 18th, headed " To whom it may concern," as follows : — "Any proposition which embraces the restoration of...bearers thereof shall have safe conduct both ways." The rebel agents took great offence at this; it, they said, " provoked as much their indignation as... | |
 | Orville James Victor - 1861 - 598 páginas
...considered by the executive government of the United States, and will be met by liberal terms on other substantial and collateral points, and the bearer...shall have safe conduct both ways. "ABRAHAM LINCOLN." Whatever may have been the secret motive of the would-be diplomats, this closed all debate in advance.... | |
 | Robert Tomes, Benjamin G. Smith - 1862 - 842 páginas
...Washington for instructions, and received from the President on the same day the following memorandum : "EXECUTIVE MANSION, WASHINGTON, July 18, 1864. " To...points, and the bearer or bearers thereof shall have safe-induct both ways. ABRAHAM LINCOLN." This put an end to all proceedings in the matter, the rebel... | |
 | Horace Greeley - 1866 - 842 páginas
...of Slavery, and which comes by and with an authority that can control the armies now at war ngainst ure to help the enemy; much more, "(Signed) ABBAIIAM LINCOLN." Messrs. Clay and Holcombe made the most of this in a public manifesto,... | |
 | Edward McPherson - 1864 - 464 páginas
...considered by tho Executive Govern* ment of the United States, and will be met by liberal terme on other substantial and collateral points, and the bearer...shall have safe conduct both ways. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Wednesday. Major Hay would respectfully inquire whether Professor Holcombe and... | |
 | Edmund Burke - 1865 - 752 páginas
...tempt the bon vivant to certain financial ruin. The hotels and boarding-houses pour forth their living contents, and by nine o'clock Main-street and its...a mine which had been secretly prepared under one of the advanced earthworks of the Confederates, and from which great results had been expected. The... | |
 | Henry Jarvis Raymond, Francis Bicknell Carpenter - 1865 - 864 páginas
...sent by the hands of Major Hay, were as follows : — EXECUTIVE MANSION, WASHINGTON, July IS, 1S64. To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : Any proposition which embraces...bearers thereof shall have safe conduct both ways. (Signed) ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Major Hay arrived at Niagara on the 20th of July, and went with Mr. Greeley... | |
 | Edmund Burke - 1865 - 728 páginas
...transmitted to them the following letter : — . " Executive Mansion, Washington, July 18, 186 1. " To whom it may concern : — "Any proposition which...bearers thereof shall have safe conduct both ways. ' " ABBAHAM LINCOLN." At the end of July General Grant made a general assault on Petersburg with his... | |
 | Henry Jarvis Raymond - 1865 - 848 páginas
...of slavery, and which comes by and with an authority that can control the armies now at war agninst the United States, will be received and considered...bearers thereof shall have safe conduct both ways. (Signed) ABBAHAM LINCOLN. Major Hay arrived at Niagara on the 20th of July, and went with Mr. Greeley... | |
 | Henry Jarvis Raymond, Francis Bicknell Carpenter - 1865 - 866 páginas
...of slavery, and which comes by and with an authority that can control the armies now at war agi-inst the United States, will be received and considered...bearers thereof shall have safe conduct both ways. (Signed) ABRAHAM LIXCOLK. Major Hay arrived at Niagara on the 20th of July, and went with Mr. Greeley... | |
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