cent of families in which wife has employment or keeps boarders or lodgers, by yearly earnings of husband and by general nativity and race of head of family. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table Includes only races with 20 or more selected families reporting.... Immigrants in industries - Página 4401911Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | 1911 - 958 páginas
...column Includes 2 famIlies in which husbands' earnings are reported as “none.” Ta¿Ls 210.—Per cent of families in which wife has employment or keeps...of husband and by general nativity and race of head offamily. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) tThis table Includes only races wIth 20 or more selected families... | |
 | Jeremiah Whipple Jenks, William Jett Lauck - 1911 - 572 páginas
...N — Sources of Family Income of Industrial Workers SOURCE OF FAMILY INCOME IN DETAIL, BY GENERAL NATIVITY AND RACE OF HEAD OF FAMILY (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS) [This table includes only races with 20 or more families reporting. totals, however, are for all races. Twenty-two families are excluded which report... | |
 | United States. Immigration Commission (1907-1910) - 1911 - 1190 páginas
...States of foreign-born males who wert 16 years of age or over at time of coming, by race of individual. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [ This table Includes only races with 20 or more males reporting. The total, however, Is for all foreign-horn The foregoing table shows that the proportion... | |
 | Isaac Aaronovich Hourwich - 1912 - 580 páginas
...workers and woolen mill operatives classified by annual earnings. TABLE 74PER CENT OF FOREIGN-BORN FAMILIES IN WHICH WIFE HAS EMPLOYMENT OR KEEPS BOARDERS OR LODGERS, BY YEARLY EARNINGS OF HUSBAND. ' The nationalities comprised in the preceding table are Scotch, Irish, Germans, Norwegians, French,... | |
 | Isaac Aaronovich Hourwich - 1912 - 900 páginas
...workers and woolen mill operatives classified by annual earnings. TABLE 74PER CENT OF FOREIGN-BORN FAMILIES IN WHICH WIFE HAS EMPLOYMENT OR KEEPS BOARDERS OR LODGERS, BY YEARLY EARNINGS OF HUSBAND. ' The nationalities comprised in the preceding table are Scotch, Irish, Germans, Norwegians, French,... | |
 | Isaac Aaronovich Hourwich - 1912 - 584 páginas
...workers and woolen mill operatives classified by annual earnings. TABLE 73PER CENT OF FOREIGN-BORN FAMILIES IN WHICH WIFE HAS EMPLOYMENT OR KEEPS BOARDERS OR LODGERS, BY YEARLY EARNINGS OF HUSBAND. 1 The nationalities comprised in the preceding table are Scotch, Irish, Germans, Norwegians, French,... | |
 | 1912 - 830 páginas
...males 16 years of age or over employed away from home, by general nativity and race of individual— Study of households. [ This table Includes only races with 20 or more males reporting. for all races.] The totals, however, are The foregoing table shows 4,550 persons reporting... | |
 | Isaac Aaronovich Hourwich - 1922 - 624 páginas
...workers and woolen mill operatives classified by annual earnings. TABLE 74FER CENT OF FOREIGN-BORN FAMILIES IN WHICH WIFE HAS EMPLOYMENT OR KEEPS BOARDERS OR LODGERS, BY YEARLY EARNINGS OF HUSBAND. ' The nationalities comprised in the preceding table are Scotch, Irish, Germans, Norwegians, French,... | |
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