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they would hardly permit fuch an acquifition to France in fo near a neighbourhood, and of fo dangerous a tendency, without ferioufly interpofing to prevent it. This, of courie, must be attended with confequences of which the ultimate ife could not be afcertained, but which would undoubtedly be produftive of many calamities.

Argiments of this nature were indifcriminately uled by the Genevans, the many French individuals that efpouled their caufe, and by thofe perions in Switzerland, who forefaw the difficulties, wherein the Helvetic body muft neceffarily be involved, were the directory to perfift in fo unequitable a project. It was therefore abandoned: but the iniquitous ambition that had prompt ed it ftill remaining ungratified, fought a revenge for its difappointment, in the harsh ufage of the feveral agents deputed from Geneva to Paris, whom it ignominiously expelled from that city, on no other pretence, than that they did not come with thofe friendly views that became the ftate which fent them. But the Genevans, undifcouraged by this treatment, perfevered unremittingly in the determination to remain a feparate ftate, and continued to labour with the more vigour in improving the government they had eftablished, when they found themfelves countenanced by the moderate party in France, which, happily for them, was the most numerous.

The motives that were thought to have actuated the directory in a tranfaction, from which they reaped finally fo little honour, were the defire to fignalize themfelves by the acquifition of a ftate, which, however inconfiderable in ftrength and

extent, had obtained a highly-deferved reputation throughout Europe, by the induftry and ingenuity of its inhabitants; and, more than all, by the diftinguifhed figure it had maintained, and the high spirit it had difplayed, in thofe active and tempeftuous fcenes that were produced by the reformation. It had long been confidered as the original feat of calvinifm, and the rival of Rome itself in matters of religion. Here the famous founder of that sect lived and died, after having, by his unconquerable courage, laid the foundation of the moft refolute affocia tion of men that ever figured in modern ages. From the principles which he inculcated, arofe that reformation in religion which was grafted on republican maxims. Hence it was immediately adopted by all that afpired at freedom. It filled France with the moft intrepid afferters of civil as well as religious rights. It fpread into the low countries, where it erected the republic of Holland. It made its way into England and Scotland, where it gradually animated the inquifitive and daring fpirits of the laft century in this country to thofe researches into the nature of government, and to thofe exertions in the caufe of national freedom, which, had not fanaticifm intervened, would probably have terminated fo happily for all parties. Geneva, during the fixteenth and feventeenth centuries, had been the central point of communication between the principal actors of this high fpirited party. Beza, a far greater character than Calvin, no lefs inflexible, but much lefs auftere, added luftre and importance to this place, by his learning and many other refpectable qualities. He con[N3]


tinued like him the oracle of his party, and was vifited and confulted by all the great champions it produced, both in arms and literature. All these circumftances conferred a fplendour upon Geneva, that entitled it to great diftinction. The first kings and ftates in Europe, of the proteftant perfuafion, treated it unanimoufly with every mark of refpect, and it continued on this honourable footing even during the reign of Lewis the fourteenth, who ftrove feveral times in vain to fubdue the fpirit with which it refifted his attempts to influence its government. The annexation of fo celebrated a ftate to the French empire appeared, to the directory, an object worthy of their attention, and they were feriously chagrined at their failure.

A compenfation for their difappointment offered itself, about the fame time, in a province, wherein they might claim a better right to exercife their fway, and from which both they and their countrymen would derive more honour and profit. This was the province of fcience and literature, that had remained neglected during the confufions attending the antecedent periods of the revolution. The ne ceffity of reviving the fpirit of genius, that had lain a while dormant, or had only been bufied in the arts of defiruction, roused at once the attention of government, and of the whole nation. The great numbers of literary men in France, exerted themselves, on this occasion, with the moft commendable zeal. Setting afide all partialities, on religious and political accounts, they cordially united in profecuting the plan propofed by the ruling powers, for a regular cultivation of all thofe depart

ments of knowledge and polite learning, that conduce to the utility and glory of a nation.

Defirous of giving this revival of the encouragements, due to literature, all the folemnity of which it was fufceptible, the directory appointed the fourth of April, 1796, for a public meeting of all the members of the national inftitute, eftablifhed the preceding year, at the era of the new conftitution. The meeting was held in the largest hall of the ancient palace of the Louvre. All the literati, and all the men of genius and reputation in the polite and liberal arts attended. The directory, the councils, and all persons in the principal departments of government were present, together with the foreign minifters, and as many fpectators as the hall could contain. The purpose of the meeting was formally announced, in a fpeech made by the prefident of the directory. France, he faid, delivered from paft miferies, had now refolved to revive thofe arts, through the cultivation of which the nation had risen to fo high a degree of reputation, and commanded the refpect of all Europe. It was the determination of government, to pay them all the attention, and give them all the encouragement and recompenfe which they could poffibly claim from a free and enlightened people. The prefident of the national inftitute, citizen Dufaulx, replied, in the name of his brethren, that they were all equally animated with the love of freedom, of knowledge, and of arts; that they were firmly attached to the republic from principle, and the confcioufnefs that in the bofom of freedom all those great fentiments are generated and nurtured, that dignify human nature,


and conftitute the true grandeur of nations.

The folemnity of this day, and the hopes it infpired, that a renewal was at hand of the arts and occupations of peace, filled the public with the higheft fatisfaction. Difcerning people obferved, on this occafion, that the liberty of thinking and publishing, fo carefully fettered under the former government, was an advantage of much more confequence than the generality feemed to perceive. Exclufively of thofe apprehenfions for perfonal fafety, which were now removed, rémunerations would flow in equal proportion to perfons of all religious perfuafions, and neither dignity nor income would be appropriated to any particular fect. This would at once deftroy all other motives, in the investigation of truth, than that of arriving at a difcovery. While the champions of only one fect were falaried for maintaining its doctrines, and all others precluded from oppofing them, by the feverest penal, ties, with what face could any man pretend to affert their rectitude? It was folely by freedom of difquifition that truth was difcoverable: and the most valuable confequence of the revolution was the abrogation of that exclufive privilege, which ignorance and imbecility had conferred upon the clergy of the established church, that of filencing, without any other argument than threa and terror, all thofe who dared to diffent from their opinions. The fact, at this period, was, that though a prodigious mafs of the French nation ftill remained enflaved to the Romish tenets, multitudes in all claffes had imbibed a propensity to think and fpeak on fubjects relating to religion, with


the moft boundlefs restraint: thefe latter had been experimentally found the ftaunchest friends to liberty, and the former its most inveterate foes, it was natural to conclude, that the ecclefiaftics, adhering to the church of Rome, who were the fpiritual guides of thefe, were alfo the inftigators of this rancour. Hence the ftritnefs and feverity with which they were conftantly watched. Hence too the averfenefs of the conftituted authorities, to permit any fpecies of authority to refide in any ecclefiaftical body, left, as the experience of all times had invariably fhewn, it fhould gradually obtain an influence over the minds of men incompatible with the rights of government.

The fpirit that brought about the revolution was in direct oppofition to thofe claims of implicit belief, on which all fpiritual authority is founded. While the monarchy continued part of the conftitution, finding the priesthood, either from intereft or bigotry, its moft faithful and firmeft fupporters, it repaid their affiftance with its own. It was this alliance, between the church and the crown, that finally ruined both; and induced their destroyers to confider them as inimical, from their very effence, to political liberty; and inadmiffible, on this account, into any fyftem founded on that principle. After the king's death, the clergy underwent the fevereft perfecution, thofe only excepted who had taken the oaths of fidelity to the republic. During the ftormy and tyrannical government of Roberfpierre, the civil eftalifhment of the Gallican church was formally annulled, and even thofe ecclefiaftics, who adhered to the republican government, were deprived of the



regular maintenance hitherto al lowed them.

After the fall of the tyrant, the convention decreed a variety of mitigations in the laws that had been enacted against the nonjuring clergy. It proclaimed the fulleft liberty of worship, and required no other than a fimple declaration of fubmiffion to the laws, from thole clergymen who exercifed their profeffional functions, together with an acknowledgment of the fovereignty of the people. But thofe who fubfcribed to thefe conditions, together with their followers, were branded, by the nonjuring clergy and their adherents, as guilty of apoftacy, Much of that fpiritual antipathy took place between thofe diffenting parties, which has fo long proved the difgrace and the bane of religion. But the ruling powers, faithful to their determination of impartiality, paid no attention to thofe diffentions; and as they had formally declared, that no particular mode of worship fhould be maintained at the public expence, nor be protected exclufively to any other, they went no farther than to preyent thofe animofities from breaking out to the disturbance of the peace of the community; and to this end enacted penalties to punish and reprefs them.

As that part of the French clergy and nation, which openly profeffed allegiance to government, by conforming to its ordinances, and making the declarations prefcribed, could not fail of being viewed with a favourable eye, it ventured to take fome steps which were thought hazardous, in the opinion of thofe who dreaded the jealouly they might occafion. A meeting of

fome of thofe bishops, who were called conftitutional, from their having taken the civic oaths enjoined by the conflituent affembly, fo ftyled from having framed the firft conftitution, was held in the beginning of 1795, in order to confult how to reftore order and regularity in the worship and difcipline of the church, and to replace it on a footing of ftability, atter the confufions that had fo violently difturbed its peace. They made a declaration, at the fame time, which was highly acceptable to the friends of harmony and univerfal toleration in religious matters. They frankly and explicitly avowed their affent to the feparation of the church from the ftate, acknowledging it to be the moft effectual means of eradicating thofe corruptions and fcandalous practices that had been produced by their union, and fo deplorably tainted that purity of manners, and integrity of life, which ought to accompany the ecclefiaftical profeffion. Religion, they faid, when unconnected with politics, would refume that influence over mankind, which arifes from innocence and virtue. The great and the powerful would refpect it the more for demanding from them only the protection of the ftate in return for its obedience and conformity to the laws of the land.

Thefe were declarations very uncommon in the ecclefiaftical affeinblies of modern ages. But numbers of the moft zealous friends to Chrifianity, applauded them with fervent fincerity, as tending to diveft religion of thofe appendages, which made it doubtful whether its aferters and followers were influenced by conviction, or by intereft; and to bring it back to the princi


ples, temper, and views of Jefus Carift, the apoftles and primitive Chriftians. At the fame time, it was øblerved, as well it might be, that the conftitutional reforming clergy were as much to be fufpected as any of the old clergy, in the preceding period of private or felfifh paffions. It is fomething carnal and develifh, not pure, difinterefted, and benevolent, that is, for the moft part, at the bottom of that zeal which is manifellad for the overthrow of religious eftabliments. The new clergy paft fevere cenfures upon those ecclefialbes who had fwerved from their religion, or violated its difcipline, or the vows they had made, and the obligations they had contracted on their entrance into the fervice of the church. They publifhed alfo fome paftoral letters, containing their fentiments on feveral points of confequence. They difclaimed all temporal authority, declaring the government of the Chriftian republic to be purely fpiritual. Charity was its eflential character, and it required no fubmiflion to its precepts, that was not warranted by realon. Its true fpirit was moderation, and very reverse of tyranny. They afferted, however, at the fame time, that the authority of the church was vefied in the epifcopal order, but rejected the fupremacy of the pope, allowing him only the firft rank among the bishops.


Notwithstanding the caution which the circumftances of the times impofed upon them, they fcrupled not to condemn fome things that were fanctioned by the law. They feverely reprobated thofe reng to divorce, and cenfured no lets violently the matrimonial conpections, formed by ecclefiaftics, during the diforders of the revolu

tion, and the licentioufnefs of manners it had occafioned. They fig matized, as guilty of facrilege, thofe laymen who had taken upon them to officiate as the minifters of religion, in the meetings held for the celebration of divine fervice, and in the abfence of regular clergymen. This latter was deemed an act of unfeafonable feverity, by the impartial, who difregarding the fcrupulous nicety that dictated it, thought that it betrayed too marked a prepoffeffion for the dignity of the ecclefiaftical order. This occafional exercife of the prieftly function was denominated laicifin, and reprefented as facrilegious ufurpation of the facredotal rights.

The ultimate intent of the conftitutional prelates, who had been concerned in thofe meetings and publications, was, to procure a convention of a more numerous affembly than their own, which confifted only of thirty-four, in order to fettle definitively the affairs of the Gallican church: but the government did not incline to permit the formation of any body of men into a national fynod or council. It ap prehended that the claims of fuch a meeting might be fuch, and its influence to prevailing, as to endanger the authority of the fiate, and to create difturbances that might lead to ferious confequences. The advocates of government pleaded on this occafion the precedent of England, where the convocation of its bishops and clergy has for many years, though fuffered to meet, been prohibited to act. For thefe reafons, the directory ordered a number of ecclefiaftics, met for the purpose of holding a fynod, to be difperfed: this happened in the month of March, 1796; fince when,

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