In France, a General wish for Peace.-But the Popularity of the War with England fill continued.-Overture of Peuce from England to the French Republic.-Negociation for Peace at Paris. Abruptly broken off.→ Affairs, Maritime and Colonial, French and British. Infidelity of the French Government to their Engagements with the Dutch.-French Preparations and Expedition for an Invafion of Ireland.-Defeated.-The Death of Catharine 11-And the Refignation of General Washington
Articles of Capitulation of the land of St. Lucia, May 25
The like of Colombo, in the Ifland of Ceylon, February 15
The like of St. Vincent's, June 11
The like of Banda, March 8
Circular Letter to the Lieutenants of Counties on the Sea Coafts, Nov. 5,
Letter from the Chancellor of the Exchequer to the Lord Mayor, Dec. 1,
The like to the Bank
Account of the total nett Preduce of all the Taxes for
the Taxes for one Year, ending Oliober
Account of Wheat fold in the Corn-Market, Mark-Lane, from Christmas, 1795, to Christmas, 1796
Price of the Quartern-loaf for 1796
A general Bill of Christenings and Burials for 1796
Substance of the Act for preventing feditious Affemblies
Principal Public Acts paffed in the Sixth Seffion of the Seventeenth Parliament
Petition of Sir Francis Blake to the House of Commons, February 8