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" So, likewise, a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one... "
The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ... - Página 299
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Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure, Volumen99

1796 - 502 páginas
...illufion of an imaginary common intereft, in cafes where no> real common interelt rxills, and infilling into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former...wars of the latter, without adequate inducement or justification. It leads alfo to concédions to the favourite nation, of privileges denied to others,...
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The Monthly Magazine, Volumen2

1796 - 582 páginas
...illuiion of an imaginary common intereft, in cafes where no real common interest exiib, and infilling into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former...into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the lane-, without adequate inducement nr jufttfication. it leads alfo to crmceliions to the favourite...
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The New annual register, or General repository of history, politics, and ...

1797 - 856 páginas
...illufion of an imaginary common intereft in cafes where no real common intereft exills, and infuling into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former...wars of the latter, without adequate inducement or juftification. It leads nlfo to conceffions to the favourite nation, of privileges denied to others,...
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A Collection of State Papers Relative to the War Against France Now Carrying ...

John Debritt - 1797 - 546 páginas
...infuiion of an imaginary common interelr, in cafes where no real common intereft exilts, and infilling into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former...wars of the latter, without adequate inducement or justification. It leads alfo to conceffions to the favourite nation, of privileges denied to others,...
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The New Annual Register, Or General Repository of History, Politics, and ...

1797 - 846 páginas calrs where no real common interefl cx'îfts, and infuling into one the en1 mities of the otntr, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels...wars of the latter, without adequate inducement or jufttfication. It leads alio to conceflions to the favourite nation, of privileges denied to others,...
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Annual Register, Volumen38

Edmund Burke - 1800 - 786 páginas
...infulion of an imaginary common intereft, in cafes where no real common intereft exilts, and infuling into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former...adequate inducement or jollification. It leads alfo to concellious to the favourite nation, of privileges denied to others, which is apt doubly to injure...
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Washington's Political Legacies: To which is Annexed an Appendix, Containing ...

George Washington - 1800 - 240 páginas
...illusion of an imaginary common interest, in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former...wars of the latter, without adequate inducement or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favourite nation, of privileges denied to others,...
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The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year, Volumen38

Edmund Burke - 1800 - 788 páginas
...exilis, and h; filling into one (be enaiiiies of the other, betrays the former ujto a participation iu the quarrels and wars of the latter, without adequate inducement or jollification. It lends nlfo to ccncetlious to the favourite nation, of privileges denied to others, which is apt doubly...
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Porcupine's Works: Containing Various Writings and Selections ..., Volumen4

William Cobbett - 1801 - 586 páginas
...illusion of an imaginary common interest, in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former...wars of the latter, without adequate inducement or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favourite nation of privileges denied to others,...
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The Senator; or, Clarendon's parliamentary chronicle, Volumen18

654 páginas
...inrulion of an imaginary common interelt, in calcs where no real com* inon intereft exiib, and infilling into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former...wars of the latter, -without adequate inducement or juftifica'ion. It leads alfo to • conceffions to the favourite nation, of privileges denied to oihers,...
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