Poems, Consisting Chiefly of Translations from the Asiatick Languages: To which are Added Two EssaysClarendon Press, 1772 - 217 páginas |
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Poems: Consisting Chiefly of Translations from the Asiatick Languages William Jones Vista completa - 1774 |
Poems, Consisting Chiefly of Translations from the Asiatick Languages.: To ... William Jones Sin vista previa disponible - 2017 |
Términos y frases comunes
almoſt Arabians Arabick Arcadia beauty blooming boſom bow'r charms cheeks cloſe cryſtal damſel delight deſcription diſplay'd eaſy eiami behar Eolian ev'ry expreſs eyes faid fair fatire fide filken filver firſt flow'rs flow'rs of Spring fome foon the flow'rs foul freſh gales grace groves Hadramut heav'n heav'nly IMITATIONS juſt kalmaz bu eiami kim gicher kalmaz leſs maid mantle meaſure Menalcas morn moſt muſick muſt Naiads nuſh it kim nymph o'er paffions paſſions pearls Persian Petrarch pleaſing pleaſure poems poetry poets praiſe reaſon reſt riſe roſe ſacred ſaid ſame ſay ſcene ſeems ſenſes ſhade ſhall ſhe ſhed ſhepherds ſhining ſhore ſhould ſhow ſhow'r ſimple ſkies ſky ſmil'd ſmile ſoft ſome ſparkling ſpeaks ſpirit ſpoke ſport ſpread ſpring Spring will fade ſtand ſtars ſtate ſteps ſtill ſtood ſtore ſtream ſtripling ſung ſwains ſweet theſe thoſe thou train tranſlated uſed vales verſes veſt whoſe Yemen youth
Pasajes populares
Página 74 - tis all a dream; To love and joy thy thoughts confine, Nor hope to pierce the sacred gloom. Beauty has such...
Página 73 - Require the borrow'd gloss of art ? Speak not of fate : ah ! change the theme, And talk of odours, talk of wine, Talk of the flowers that round us bloom : 'Tis all a cloud, 'tis all a dream ; To love and joy thy thoughts confine, Nor hope to pierce the sacred gloom.
Página 113 - Be gay : too soon the flowers of spring will fade. May this rude lay from age to age remain, A true memorial of this lovely train. Come, charming maid ! and hear thy poet sing, Thyself the rose, and he the bird of spring; Love bids him sing, and Love will be obey'd. Be gay: too soon the flowers of spring will fade.
Página 71 - SWEET maid, if thou would'st charm my sight, And bid these arms thy neck infold ; That rosy cheek, that lily hand, • Would give thy poet more delight Than all Bocara's vaunted gold, Than all the gems of Samarcand.
Página 18 - She said ; and straight a damsel of her train With tender fingers touch'da golden chain. Now a soft bell delighted Maia hears, That sweetly trembles on her listening ears : Through the calm air the melting numbers float, And wanton echo lengthens every note. Soon, through the dome, a mingled hum arose, Like...
Página 161 - So may thy stream ne'er swell with gushing rain ; " So may thy waves in one pure current flow, " And flowers eternal on thy border blow!" To whom the maid replied with...
Página 195 - Homer with the heroick poets, who have fucceeded him ; but it requires very little judgment to fee, that no fucceeding poet whatever can with any propriety be compared with Homer : that great father of the Grecian poetry and literature, had a genius too fruitful and comprehenfive to...
Página 144 - Amyntas and Amaryllis lived a long and happy life, and governed the vales of Arcadia. Their generation was very long-lived, there having been but four descents in above two thousand years. His heir was called Theocritus, who left his dominions to Virgil ; Virgil left his to his son Spenser ; and Spenser was succeeded by his eldest-born Philips.
Página 210 - ... poetry to be the language of the violent passions, expressed in exact measure, with strong accents and significant words; and true music to be no more than poetry, delivered in a succession of harmonious sounds, so disposed as to please the ear. It is in this view only that we must consider the music of the ancient Greeks, or attempt to account for its amazing effects...
Página 54 - But first his lips had touch' d th' alluring stream, That through the grove display'da silver gleam. Through jasmine bowers, and violet-scented vales, On silken pinions flew the wanton gales ; Arabian odours on the plants they left, And whisper'd to the woods their spicy theft : Beneath the shrubs that spread a trembling shade, The musky roes, and fragrant civets play'd. As when, at eve, an Eastern merchant roves From Hadramut to Aden's spikenard groves,