braced for endless and complete felicity in the world to come, it is most reasonable and important that they by whom it is enjoyed, should not only be grateful and solicitous to secure its privileges for themselves, but be affected with the miserable state of those without it, and ready and zealous to do all in their power that its blessings may be extended to them. 66 the inhabitants of this state are, in some respects, under peculiar advantages and obligations to perform. From these considerations, the subscribers agree to form a Society, to be styled "The RhodeIsland Missionary Society," the objects of which shall be to promote the gospel in any part of the state where there may be opportunity for it Africans in coming to the knowledge of the truth in any way which may consist with our means and advantages. and to assist We agree that the following In addition to this, Christ, who is "Head over all things to the church," hath commanded his disciples thus to exert themselves, "going to all nations, and preaching the gospel to ev-doctrines shall be supported by cry creature:" and it is gra- the missionaries and schoolmasciously promised, that in this ters, who may be employed by the way the kingdoms of this Society, viz. That there is one world shall become the kingdom God subsisting in three Persons; of our Lord and of his Christ:"| that the second Person in this It is further to be observed, that mysterious Trinity hath become in the present season there is a man, by taking the human nature general prevalence of errors and into personal union to Deity, by destructive delusions: and the which he is "God, manifested in enemies of Christianity are pe- the flesh" that He, by sufferculiarly bold and active in at-ing the curse and obeying the tempts to introduce doctrines precepts of the law, hath opensubversive of piety and morali-ed a way for the pardon, justifity and all the best interests of men; and that it is incumbent on Christians to exercise a zeal proportioned to that by which their enemies are actuated. cation and complete redemption of those who may be brought to believe in him that all men, in their natural fallen state, are wholly under the influence of Among the associations of moral depravity-that they must Christians in this country for be born of the Spirit of God in the purpose of counteracting in-order to be saved that they fidelity and vice and promoting who experience this sanctifying the gospel, but few of the in-change are pardoned and justihabitants of this state appear, though in some parts of the state the people are destitute of the regular preaching of the gospel, and ignorance and vice are very prevalent. Nor by any Missionary Society in the country has any attention been paid to the condition of Africans, which duty, important to them, fied, and shall be "kept by the mighty power of God through faith unto salvation"-that God hath decreed whatever comes to pass, and hath elected some to everlasting life-that the purposes of God are in general instances accomplished by means, and that the preaching and ordinances of the gospel are ap pointed means of salvation-that I dent, call a special meeting of the condition of admittance to the Sacraments is a credible profession of faith in Christ; and that the children of such professors are to be baptized that "God hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world," and that he will confer on the righteous an everlasting reward, and doom the wicked to endless punishment. the Society. The Society shall hold a correspondence with other Missionary Societies, so far ás may conduce to the object of promoting the gospel among the Africans, and shall solicit benefactions when they may be applied to useful purposes. thirds, or a representation of two thirds of the whole number of members in the State. But no essential alteration shall be made in its doctrines. This Constitution may be altered at any annual meeting, by á vote of two thirds of the memWe agree that each one sub-bers present, provided the whole scribing this plan and paying number present amount to two one dollar into the Treasury, shall become a member of this Society and at every annual meeting of the Society each member shall pay the sum of one dollar, which monies, with whatever may be acquired by donation, or otherwise, shall be drawn from the Treasury only by order of the Society, and their Committee, or Committees hereafter specified. An account of the Society shall be published annually, in some Magazine, or in a manner most satisfactory to those interested in its proceedings. AT the time the preceding The votes of two thirds of the Constitution was adopted the Somembers present at any duly ap-ciety was organized, by the folpointed meeting, shall be deem-lowing choice of officers, and aped the act of the Society. There shall be an annual meeting of the Society, at Newport, on the Tuesday evening preceding the general state election, at which time the officers for the year ensuing shall be chosen. The officers shall be a President, and if expedient, a VicePresident, a Secretary and Treasurer and there shall be a Committee, or Committees of business. pointments, viz. Rev. Samuel Hopkins, D. D. Newport, President. Rev. William Patten, Newport, Secretary. Mr. Jabez Denison, Newport, Treasuser. Rev. Thomas Kendall, SouthKingston, Man Shepard, Little Compton, Wm. Patten, Messrs. John Mein and Jabez Denison, Newport, Committee. AT an adjourned meeting of the Society, May 18, A.D. 1803, To the annual meeting, or It was voted, That it be recomoftener, if requested by the So-mended to the several ministers ciety, the Treasurer shall re- belonging, or who may belong port the state of the funds, and to this Society, to concur in a the Committees the business by quarterly meeting for prayer, them transacted. for the revival of religion, and exEither of the Committees may, tension of the influence of the with the consent of the Presi-gospel; the meeting to be on the first Tuesday of every quarterly day, beginning at 2 o'clock P. M. and at the close of the service to have a collection for missionary purposes. The funds of the Society consist of the subscription money of the members, collections at quarterly prayer meetings, and by the missionaries; private donations, &c. and the part belonging To the African fund amounts to AT an adjourned meeting of the Society, July 13, A.D. 1803, It was voted, That the Rev. William Patten be appointed to de- To the general do. to liver a Sermon before the Missionary Society, on Thursday. succeeding the day of General Election, in May next; and that at the close of the service, a collection be made for the Society. By a previous vote there is to be a sermon annually delivered. At this meeting Gold S. Silliman, Esq. of Newport, and Cyrus French, Esq. of South-Kingston, were added to the Committee and a majority of the Committee being present, they elected Mr. John Mein, Chairman, and Gold S. Silliman, Esq. Clerk. AT the annual meeting of the Society, May 3, 1804, Rev. Man Shepard of Little Compton, was elected President, in place of Dr. Hopkins, deceased. The officers of the Society and the Committee for the preceding year, were re-appointed for the year ensuing; and Major John Bailey, of Little Compton, added to the Committee. The Committee then made choice of their own officers as before. According to appointment, a Sermon was delivered before the Society on Thursday the 4th inst. from Matthew xxii. 39."Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself;" and after the service a decent collection was made. Rev. Man Shepard was appointed to deliver the Sermon at the next annual meeting. 168 39 247 $415 30 Which is at present at interest, payable on demand. None of it constitutes a permanent fund; but the whole may be applied according to the discretion of the Society. In the State of Rhode-Island to the eastward of a line from Newport to Providence, there is but one minister of the Congregational order. To the westward of that line, a territory still more extensive and populous, there is but one, whose settlement is very uncertain. There are several remnants of churches and societies, who were once flourishing, and who are amply able, if they were disposed, to support the institutions of religion. The few, who are disposed, need encouragement and assistance; without which there has been reason to fear that the knowledge and influence of the gospel would cease from among them. The Society has several times sent missionaries to those parts of the state which are destitute of the gospel; and their labors have been attended with some success. They have in general been received with much kind, ness and gratitude, and there is a prospect that two or three societies will be gathered and havę the ministry established. With respect to Africans the Society has no particular plan: | morally certain, that he dilinor is there any other than a gently taught his family the general prospect of being useful right and good way. As Abrato them. Its attention is not ham did, he commanded his confined to the natives of Afri- children and his household to ca; but may be applied to their keep the right way of the Lord, descendants in this country, and inculcating the doctrines and duthe West-Indies. In a field so ties of religion, in the house and extensive, and which requires by the way, when he sat down great labor, much good may be and when he rose up; while in done. Within the United States, his social connections he diffused there may be some disposed to a savor of divine knowledge all devote their services, and to con- around him. Enoch was endowtribute of their wealth to the ed with the gift of prophecy and spiritual interests of this descrip- enforced his instructions, warntion of men. Opportunities to ings, and reproofs, by the solemn do them good might be lost, retributions of judgment and were it not the professed object eternity. Enoch also the sevof some to observe and improve enth from Adam prophesied of them. It was the design of those these, saying, Behold the Lord who subscribed the preceding cometh with ten thousand of his Constitution to hold up this ob- saints, to execute judgment upon ject, and if there should be any all and to convince all that are opportunity to promote it, that ungodly of all the ungodly deeds it might be improved to the best which they have ungodly comadvantage. mitted, and of all their hard speeches, which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. In these respects did he not typify that teacher who truly came from God; who taught his disciples, his little family, the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, explaining and inculcating the sublime and glorious doctrines of the gospel, recommending all manner of holy conversation and An Explanation of Scriptural Types. ENOCH a type of CHRIST. OME of the names given by parents to their children, in the early ages of the world, were dictated by the divine Spirit, and denoted what manner of persons they should be, or some impor-godliness by the blessed rewards tant event to be effected by their instrumentality, or some peculiar blessing to be derived by mankind from them. Among those of this description, may we not place the name of the son of Jared, by whom the Messiah was eminently prefigured? We may consider him as a type of Christ, I. In his name. Enoch signifies teaching. From his eminently holy character, we are which he would confer on his humble followers in their regeneration, and animating them to patience and perseverance in suffering for his name's sake, by assuring them, that great should be their reward in heaven? Was he not indefatigable in preaching the gospel of the kingdom to the multitudes who attended his public ministry, addressing the most instructive and awaken. ing considerations to the stupid, and exhorting sinners to repent- Of all the excellent charactance by the terrors of the worlders drawn of holy men, in the to come ? I have preached right- | holy scriptures, few are equal to eousness in the great congrega- the character given of this emition. I have not refrained my nent saint. Enoch walked with lips, O Lord, thou knowest. | God ; importing views which And at the same time, in the corresponded with God's end melting accents of compassion, and designs, the pursuit of the inviting those who labored and same objects, the glory of God, were heavy laden to come to and a mode of action, or manner him, with the promise of rest and | of living which, in his place, corpeace. Was he not also a di- responded with divine adminisvinely enlightened prophet ? mi- | trations, and by which he pronutely predicting his own sufferings and resurrection—the trials and persecutions of his disciples-the destruction of Jesus? How perfectly did his views rusalem and the calamities of harmonize with the mind and the Jews-the end of the world, and the eternal retributions of the righteous and the wicked? gressed with God in the daily walk of life. In this did he not typify the holy life of Christ Je will of his heavenly Father! How perfectly united in object and design! How cordially did he co-operate with him in effecting the grand designs of his wisdom and his power! How were his heart and soul absorbed in prosecuting that wondrous work Enoch also signifies dedicated, or devoted. And did not that exemplary holiness which he exhibited in life, originate from a voluntary dedication of himself to God? Consecrating himself of love and grace, the glorious a living sacrifice, holy and ac- | work of redemption ! I must ceptable to God, whether he ate, work the work of him that sent drank, or whatever he did, heme whilst it is day. My meat is performed it for the glory of to do the work of him that sent God. In this did he not typify me and to finish his work. I the divine Saviour, who was ded- have a baptism to be baptized icated to God by his parents, with and how am I straitened and who perfectly resigned and until it be accomplished. consecrated his body and soul tò the service and glory of his heavenly Father? Mine ear hast thou opened, (to receive the intimation of thy will, or bored as the servant who loved his master and would not relinquish his service, Deut. xv. 12.) said the only begotten Son when he came into the world. With what solicit-porting manifestations of the exude did he apply himself to his cellence and glory of God, and Father's business, in his youth, of the wisdom and perfection of and with what zeal, fortitude, pa- his ways and works; while his tience and perseverance, did he soul, enjoying the loving kindpursue. it to the end of life ! ness of the Lord, was satisfied with marrow and fatness! In II. In his communion with God. III. In special manifestations of divine approbation and favor. Enoch walking with God in the way of truth and holiness, had this testimony that he pleased God. What holy and refreshing communications did he receive from him! How was his mind enlarged and enriched with trans |