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Three methods are used to indicate the pronunciation of the words forming the headings of the separate articles:

(1) By dividing the word into syllables, and indicating the syllable or syllables to be accented. This method alone is followed where the pronunciation is entirely obvious. Where accent marks are omitted, the omission indicates that all syllables are given substantially the same value.

(2) Where the pronunciation differs from the spelling, the word is re-spelled phonetically, in addition to the accentuation.

(3) Where the sound values of the vowels are not sufficiently indicated merely by an attempt at phonetic spelling, the following system of diacritical marks is additionally employed to approximate the proper sounds as closely as may be done:

A, as in fate, or in bare.

ä, as in alms, Fr. âme, Ger. Bahn=& of Indian names.

♣, the same sound short or medium, as in Fr. bal, Ger. Mann.

a, as in fat.

, as in fall.


a long sound as in Fr. jeûne,= Ger. long ö, as in Söhne, Göthe (Goethe).

eu, corresponding sound short or medium, as in Fr. peu-Ger. ö short. ō, as in note, moan.

o, as in not, frog-that is, short or medium.

a, obscure, as in rural, similar to u inö, as in move, two. but, è in her: common in Indian

[blocks in formation]

ù, as in tube.

[blocks in formation]

The consonants, b, d, f, h, j, k, l, m, n, ng, p, sh, t, v, and z, when printed in Roman type, are always given their common English values in the transliteration of foreign words. The letter c is indicated by s or k, as the case may be. For the remaining consonant sounds the following symbols are employed:

ch is always as in rich.

erally much more strongly trilled.

d, nearly as th in this = Sp. d ins, always as in so. Madrid, etc.

is always hard, as in go.
represents the guttural in

th, as th in thin.

th, as th in this.


w always consonantal, as in we.

loch, Ger. nach, also other similar x = ks, which are used instead.

, Fr. nasal n as in bon.

represents both English r, and r in foreign words, in which it is gen

y always consonantal, as in yea (Fr. ligne would be re-written lény). zh, ass in pleasure = Fr. j.



T, the twentieth letter in the English forests. The inhabitants are chiefly Inalphabet, a sharp mute consonant, dians. The capital is San-Juan-Bautista. representing the sound produced by a Pop. of the state, 159,834.

quick and strong emission of the breath Tab'asheer, or TABASHIR (Persian),

after the end of the tongue has been

a siliceous concretion replaced against the roof of the mouth sembling hydrophane, sometimes found near the roots of the upper teeth. By in the joints of bamboos and other large Grimm's Law t in English corresponds grasses. It is highly valued in the East to d in Latin, Greek and Sanskrit, and Indies as a medicine, but its virtues are to 88 or 2 in German. merely imaginary.

Taasinge (to'sing-ė), an island of

Denmark, south of Funen; area, 29 square miles. Pop. 4035. Tabanus (tab'a-nus). See Gad-fly. Tabard (tab'ard), a sort of tunic of the middle ages, worn over the armor, and generally embroidered with the arms of the wearer, or if worn

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Tabby (tab'i), the name given to

stuffs watered or figured by being passed through a calender, the rollers of which, bearing unequally on the stuff, render the surface unequal, so as to reflect the rays of light differently, and produce the representation of waves. Silks treated in this way are called moiré.

Tabernacle (tab'er-na-kl), in Jewish antiquities, the tent or sanctuary in which the sacred utensils were kept during the wanderings of the Israelites in the desert. It was in the shape of a parallelogram, 45 feet by 15, and 15 feet in height, with its smaller ends placed east and west, and having its entrance in the east. Its framework consisted of forty-eight gilded boards of shittim-wood, bound together by golden rings and set into silver sockets; and this framework was covered with four carpets. The interior was divided by a curtain into two compartments, the outer the 'sanctuary proper, and the innermost the holy of holies. In the sanctuary was placed on the north the table of showbread, on the south the golden candlestick, and in the middle, near the inner


Tabard, Sir John Cornwall, Ampthill Church, curtain, the altar of incense. In the


by a herald, with those of his lord or Sovereign. It still forms a part of the official dress of heralds.

Tabasco (tå-bäs'ko), a state of Mexico, between Yucatan Peninsula and Vera Cruz; area, 10,072 square miles. The surface consists almost entirely of a great flat, sloping northwards to the Gulf of Mexico. A large portion. of the state is still covered with primeval

center of the holy of holies stood the ark
of the covenant. The tabernacle was sit-
uated in a court 150 feet by 75, sur-
rounded by costly screens 7 feet high,
and supported by pillars of brass 7 feet
apart, to which the curtains were at-
tached by hooks and fillets of silver.
the outer or eastern half of the court
stood the altar of burnt-offering, and be-
tween it and the tabernacle itself the
laver, at which the priests washed their
hands and feet before entering the sanc-



tuary. It was superseded by the temple at Jerusalem.

Tabernacle, in ecclesiology, an orna

mented receptacle

in which the host is kept on the altar; also a reliquary.

Tabernacles, FEAST OF, the last of the three great festivals of the Jews which required the presence of all the males in Jerusalem. Its object was to commemorate the dwelling of the Israelites in tents during their sojourn in the wilderness, and it was also a feast of thanksgiving for the harvest and vintage. The time of the festival fell in the autumn, when all the chief fruits were gathered in, and hence it is often called the feast of the ingathering. Its duration was strictly only seven days,


chief table-lands are that of Central Spain, the less-defined upland in Switzer

land, and the low plateaus of Bavaria

and Bohemia. In Asia is the most extensive table-land in the world, the sandy rainless Desert of Gobi, nearly 400,000

square miles; also the loftiest inhabited

table-land in the world, that of Tipet, with an elevation of from 11,000 to 15,000 feet. In Africa are the plateaus of Abyssinia, and the karoos or terrace plains of South Africa. In America the great table-lands are those of Mexico and the Andes. The table-lands of the Western United States are of large extent, comprising much of the states of Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, with considerable portions of other states.

Table Mountain,

a mountain of South Africa, south of Table Bay, its highest point being right over Cape Town. It is about 3500 feet high and level on the top. It joins the Devil's Mount on the east, and the Sugar Loaf or Lion's Head on the west.

but it was followed by a day of holy con-
vocation of peculiar solemnity. During
the seven days the people lived in booths
erected in the courts of houses, on the
roofs, and in the court of the temple. It
was the most joyous festival of the year.
Tabes (tā bez), a term formerly ap
plied to a disease characterized
by a gradually progressive emaciation of Table-turning,

one of the phethe whole body, accompanied with lannomena of spiritualguor, depressed spirits, and, for the most ism, in which a number of persons sit part, imperfect or obscure hectic fever, around a table, with hands or fingers without the real cause of the affection touching it, the result in many cases bebeing properly localized or defined. ing a tipping or other movements of the Tabes mesenterica, abdominal phthisis, or consumption of the bowels, is a disease of the bowels caused by the formation of tubercles similar to those of the lungs in ordinary consumption. It causes extreme wasting, feebleness, and thinness of body, and recovery is rare.- Tabes dorsālis is the same as locomotor ataxy (which see). Tabinet (tab'i-net), a rich fabric consisting of a warp of silk and a weft of wool, employed for window curtains and other furniture purposes.

table, questions asked being frequently answered by responsive tips indicating 'yes' or no.' The phenomenon has been ascribed to involuntary muscular action of the sitters, but in view of the fact that the table is occasionally lifted bodily from the floor, while touched only on its surface, this explanation seems insufficient. The agency at work is claimed to be that of spiritual beings, but further investigation is needed before any decision in this problem can be reached.

Table, ROUND. See Round Table. Taboo, or TABU (ta-bö'), a peculiar

Tableaux Vivants (tab-love-vän; French live ing pictures'), representations of scenes from history or fiction by means of persons grouped in the proper manner, placed in appropriate postures, and remaining silent.

institution formerly prevalent among the South Sea islanders, and used in both a good and bad sense as something sacred or consecrated, and as something accursed or unholy-both senses forbidding the touching or use of the thing taboo. The idea of prohibition was always prominent. The whole religious, Table-land, or PLATEAU (pla-to'), a political, and social system of the primflat or comparatively itive Polynesians was enforced by the level tract of land considerably elevated taboo, the infringement of which in seriabove the general surface of a country. ous cases was death. Being in effect broad mountain masses, Tabor (ta'bur), a small drum, beaten many of these plateaus form the gatherwith a stick, and used as an ing-grounds and sources of some of the accompaniment to a pipe or fife. noblest rivers, while their elevation con- Tabor (ta'bur), a remarkable bill of fers on them a climate and a vegetable and animal life distinct from that of the surrounding lowlands. In Europe the

Northern Palestine, rising abruptly in the shape of an almost perfect cone from the plain of Esdraëlon to

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