Voting and attendance record, Representative John W. Byrnes, 8th District, Wisconsin (83d Cong., 2d sess.) -Continued H. R. 7839, aiding in the provision and improvement of housing, the elimination and prevention of slums, and the conservation and develop- On motion to recommit with instructions to provide 35,000 public housing units each year for 4 years. (Rejected, 176 to 211.) Quorum call.... do. do H. R. 8649, authorizing the admission into evidence in certain criminal proceedings of wiretap information secured in national security investi- On amendment requiring a court order in order to make wiretap evidence admissible. (Passed, 221 to 166.) Quorum call... do H. R. 303, transferring the administration of health services for Indians and the operation of Indian hospitals to the United States Public Health Service, now under the Department of Interior and Bureau of Indian Affairs: H. R. 7397, amending the Public Health Grant-in-Aid Act by consolidating and simplifying the several public health grant-in-aid programs S. 2150, providing for creation of the St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation to construct part of the St. Lawrence seaway in the On motion to recommit. (Rejected, 157 to 242.) On passage. (Passed, 241 to 158.) Quorum call.... do H. R. 2556, amending United States Code relative to extradition of certain fugitives from United States to countries occupied by United States On motion that enacting clause be stricken out (that the bill be killed). (Adopted, 228 to 68.)... Quorum call H. Res. 533, citing Bernhard Deutch for contempt of House of Representatives by refusal to answer questions before the Committee on Un- On adoption. (Adopted, 346 to 0)... H. R. 9040, authorizing cooperative research in education: On passage. (Passed, 296 to 55) H. Res. 532, providing for consideration of H. R. 7434, establishing a National Advisory Committee on Education: H. R. 9242, authorizing certain construction at military and naval installations and for the Alaska communications system: Nay. Present, Present. Present. Nay. Yea. Present. Present. Yea. Present. Yea. Present. Present. Yea. Present. Present. Present. Nay. Yea. Present. Present. Nay. Absent. Absent. Yea. Yea. Present. Yea. Present. Yea. Present. Yea. H. Res. 568, providing for the consideration of H. R. 9366, amending the Social Security Act and Internal Revenue Code: 77 June 1 On adoption. (Adopted, 270 to 76) Yea. H. R. 9366, amending the Social Security Act and the Internal Revenue Code so as to extend coverage under the old-age and survivors in- H. J. Res. 243, amending the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America by adding the words "under God" after the Yea. Yea. H. R 2828, providing for per capita payments to members of the Menominee Tribe of Indians from the trust funds credited to the tribe and H. R. 7494, extending the authority of the President to enter into trade agreements under sec. 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, for H. R. 9517, appropriating funds for the government of the District of Columbia for fiscal 1955: On amendment fixing the Federal payment to the District of Columbia at $20 million instead of $16 million. (Passed, 186 to 168.). H. R. 8729, extending for 2 years the present authority of the Federal Reserve banks to purchase securities directly from the Treasury in On motion to recommit with instructions to limit bond purchasing authority to periods when no cash is available. (Rejected, 80 to 250.). H. Res. 583, providing for disagreement to a Senate amendment to the Housing bill providing for public housing and agreeing to conference 88 June 28 Quorum call... 89 June 29 90 June 30 91_do.... do... S. Con. Res. 91, expressing the sense of Congress that the United States support the Organization of American States in taking appropriate On passage. (Passed, 372 to 0.). Quorum call. Nay. Present. Yea. Present. Yea. On amendment stating it to be the sense of Congress that no funds should be used for governments which are committed by treaty to Yea. 92_do.... 93 Quorum call... 94 July do 95 July 2 1 96_do..... H. R. 9680, providing for continued price support for agricultural products, augmenting the marketing and disposal of such products, and Present. Present. Present. On amendment to provide flexibility in price supports from 8212 to 90 percent of parity for the 1955 crops of basic commodities. (Passed, Yea. H. R. 6342, amending the Public Buildings Act of 1949 relative to acquisition of real property and the construction of public buildings for H. R. 9640, amending the Vocational Rehabilitation Act so as to promote and assist in the extension and improvement of vocational reha- Yea. Yea Yea. Li present, would have voted "yea." Voting and attendance record, Kepresentative John W. Byrnes, 8th District, Wisconsin (83d Cong., 2d sess.) - Continued July 8 H. R. 9709, a bill to extend and improve the unemployment compensation program: On passage. (Passed, 309 to 36.)... H. R. 9580, revising and extending the laws relating to espionage and sabotage: H. R. 7839, the Housing Act of 1954: H. R. 7840, amending the Railroad Retirement Act, the Railroad Retirement Tax Act, and the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act: H. R. 8384, authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to construct, operate, and maintain the Talent division of the Rogue River Basin recla- On passage. (Passed, 163 to 144.). H. R. 9678, promoting the security and foreign policy of the United States by furnishing assistance to friendly nations: Nay. Aye. Voting and attendance record, Representative John W. Byrnes, 8th District, Wisconsin (83d Cong., 2d sess.) - Continued Measure, question, and result Vote Roll call No. Date 1954 Aug. 16 H. Res 705, providing for House agreement to Senate amendment to H. R. 6672, providing for a temporary increase in statutory debt limits until June 30, 1955: On passage. (Passed, 193 to 31.)... Yea, H. R. 9680, providing for continued price support for agricultural products, augmenting the marketing and disposal of such products, and providing for greater stability in the products of agriculture: Aug. 17 On recommittal of conference report. (Rejected, voice vote.).. Yea. On adoption of conference report. (Adopted, 208 to 47.). Nay. _do..... H. R. 10203, providing rewards for information concerning illegal manufacture or acquisition of special nuclear material and atomic weapons: On passage. (Passed, voice vote.)... Yea. 143 do... Quorum call... Present. S. 3706, outlawing the Communist Party, prohibiting members of Communist organizations from serving in certain representative capacities, and for other purposes: On motion ordering previous question on amendment providing $55 million and providing 80 percent of the foreign currency generated shall be used to strengthen and improve the civilian economy of Spain. (Adopted, 186 to 76.) S. 3706, outlawing the Communist Party, prohibiting membership of Communist organizations from serving in certain representative capacities, and for other purposes: On adoption of conference report. (Adopted, 265 to 2.). H. R. 2236, providing for regulation of certain public transportation in the Washington metropolitan area: Nay. Yea. On recommittal of conference report with instructions to eliminate establishment of Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Regulatory Nay. AN EXPLANATION OF TERMS Of necessity the report contains parliamentary and legislative terms with which the reader may not be familiar. An explanation of some of these terms may, therefore, be helpful: A. A quorum call consists of a calling of the roll of Members to determine whether or not a quorum-a majority of Members-is present. No business may be conducted when it is found that a quorum is not present. B. Recommittal: Generally, on all important bills, a motion to recommit the bill to a committee, with or without instructions, is voted upon by the House before it votes upon passage of the bill. If such a motion is adopted, it means that the bill will be changed, delayed, or even killed. However, when a motion to recommit is accompanied by instructions, the vote generally indicates whether the Member is in favor of or opposed to the change in the legislation proposed by the instructions and does not necessarily indicate his position on the bill as a whole. A motion to recommit with instructions, if adopted, does not kill the bill. C. The type of bill can be determined by the letters which precede its number. All bills that originate in the House are designated by an H; those that originate in the Senate by an S. There are four main types: First. H. R. (S) designates a bill which when passed by both Houses in identical form and signed by the President, becomes law. Second. H. J. Res. (S. J. Res.) designates a joint resolution which must pass both Houses and be signed by the President before becoming law. It is generally used for continuing the life of an existing law, or in submitting to the States a constitutional amendment, in which case it does not require the signature of the President but must be passed by a two-thirds majority of both Houses. Third. H. Con. Res. (S. Con. Res.) designates a concurrent resolution. To become effective it must be passed by both the House and Senate but does not require the President's signature. It is used to take joint action which is purely within the jurisdiction of Congress. Many emergency laws carry the provision that they may be terminated by concurrent resolution, thus eliminating the possibility of a Presidential veto. Fourth. H. Res. (S. Res.) designates a simple resolution of either body. It does not require approval by the other body nor the signature of the President. It is used to deal with matters that concern one House only, such as changing rules, creating special committees, and so forth. any Member, supported by one-fifth of a quorum, can ask for a rollcall. This privilege is guaranteed by the Constitution. Fourth. Rollcalls place each Member on record on the particular measure involved. Each Member's name is called and his vote recorded. Rollcalls constitute the official voting record of the House. The outcome of various votes are indicated in parentheses in the record above. In the case of rollcall votes, the actual vote is shown the yeas first and the D. Rule: Important bills, after approval of the committee concerned, go tonays last. the House Committee on Rules where a rule, in the form of a House resolution (H. Res.), is granted covering the time allowed for debate, consideration of amendments, and other parliamentary questions. E. Conference: Representatives from both Houses of Congress meet in conference to work out differences existing in the legislation as passed by the two bodies. Upon conclusion of their conference, a report is submitted to each House setting forth the agreements reached. Each House then must act by way of adopting or rejecting the report in whole or in part. F. Ordering the previous question: A motion to order the previous question, if adopted, shuts off further debate on the question before the House and prevents further amendments to such proposition. G. A bill may pass, or be defeated, by one of the following kind of votes: First. Voice vote: The Speaker first asks all in favor to say "aye" then those opposed to say "nay." If there is no question as to the result, this is sufficient. Second. Division: If the result of the voice vote is in doubt, the Speaker asks those in favor to stand, then those opposed to stand. He counts in each instance and announces the result. If he is in doubt, or if demand is made by onefifth of a quorum, then Third. Tellers are ordered. A Member on each side of the question is appointed as teller, and they take their places at each side of the center aisle. Those in favor walk through and are counted. Those opposed do likewise. The result settles most questions, but What My Home Means to Me EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. JAMES C. DAVIS OF GEORGIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, August 20, 1954 Mr. DAVIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, under unanimous consent, I insert in the Appendix of the RECORD a copy of a letter by Mrs. Sylvia B. Zsuffa, of 886 Cherry Street NW., Atlanta, Ga., which was chosen for the first award in a contest on What My Home Means to Me, sponsored by Home Modernizing magazine and its publisher, W. Wadsworth Wood, of Chicago, Ill.: Mr. W. WADSWORTH WOOD, ATLANTA, Ga. Chicago, Ill. DEAR MR. WOOD: We have just bought a dream. To the passer-by, it is just another old house set high on a hill. Nothing smart about it. But to us, it is our dream come true. The past few years have not been easy. It is not easy when you're 40, with a growing family to go into the Army for a second time, when your country calls; to pull up roots; to face long separation, then the difficult adjustment to an alien environment. Now we have a home. Home? What does it mean to us: First of all, it means "togetherness"-my husband near; the children busy at homework in the evening. Second, it means permanence. A strange word in these impermanent times. But we can't name anything that would give us a greater sense of permanence than our owning a few feet of land in this, our country, for which my husband fought. And last, our home means adventure. The cooperative excitement of building a new kitchen; of learning how to use a sander; wield a paintbrush. In short, of making our home a livable dream, which, like all dreams, is measured by the amount of personal struggle put into them. Sincerely, Sylvia B. Zsuffa Mrs. SYLVIA B. ZSUFFA. The Republican Record EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. WILLIAM F. KNOWLAND OF CALIFORNIA IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES Friday, August 20, 1954 Mr. KNOWLAND. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to have printed in the Appendix of the RECORD, The Republican Record of the 83d Congress. It is understood, pursuant to the prior order, that additions and corrections may be made at a later publication date; but I desire to have the material printed in the Appendix of today's RECORD. Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. President, reserving the right to object, and I shall not object, is this confined to the Republican record of the 83d Congress, or is it the record of the 83d Congress? Mr. KNOWLAND. It is the record of the 83d Congress; but I believe it is customary for both the majority leader and the minority leader to have it printed. There being no objection, the material was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: THE REPUBLICAN RECORD The Eisenhower administration and the 83d Congress worked together and our joint efforts resulted in the following notable achievements: We ended the fighting and sacrifices of American lives in Korea; kept the United States out of the war in Indochina; liquidated the Communist foothold in Guatemala; strengthened the free nations; and confronted Russian imperialism and Communist aggression with the firm determination to safeguard freedom and attain genuine peace. We reorganized and strengthened the national defense by policies and programs capable of providing security over the long pull at substantial savings and without undue strain on the national economy. We acted decisively to safeguard the Nation from enemies within its borders and to rid government, labor, education, and all other phases of American life from Communist infiltration and subversion. We successfully bridge the difficult transition from war to peace and maintained prosperity at the highest level in the Nation's history. Price, wage, and rent controls were ended, freeing American enterprise from undue Government interference. The national economy was stabilized and the value of the dollar strengthened, ending the cheating of our people by inflation and avoiding the distress of deflation, while employment, production, wages, and earnings remained high. We cut taxes by nearly $71⁄2 billion, reducing individual income-tax payments, excise taxes on goods consumers buy, and pro viding substantial benefits in other deductions and allowances for individuals and enterprise. We acted to end the shameful waste of farm surpluses, and to provide farmers with a long-range program for an independent, self-reliant agriculture, with Government providing a shield against destructive forces beyond farmer control. We continued, strengthened, and enlarged programs to meet human needs, to strengthen civil rights, to aid our veterans to become established in civilian life, and to provide adequate care for the disabled, to expand social security, and to assist the aged, the blind, and dependent widows and children. We arrested the trend toward destructive socialistic tendencies in Government by the encouragement of private competitive enterprise, thrift, and the self-reliance of our people. We encouraged the States to meet their proper responsibilities; urged labor and private enterprise to solve their own problems without Government interference; and worked to make all our people more selfreliant. We restored to the States the rights of the States to develop submerged lands, and other resources within their boundaries. In these and all other respects a Republican administration and Congress fostered the forward progress of a free nation under a government without favoritism, without corruption, without waste or extravagance, but efficient, economical, trustworthy, and fair to all. OUTSTANDING PROGRAM ENACTED DESPITE In two busy, exacting sessions, the 83d Congress carried through to enactment an outstanding program of constructive legislation. It did this even though Republican control rested on slender voting margins. The Senate began and ended with a bare Republican majority of one. For almost a year after the death of Senator Taft, Republicans were actually in the minority. In the House the Republican margin in the first session started at 7 but fell to 4 at the close of the second session through deaths and resignations. The achievements of the Congress were made possible by close coordination between House and Senate and harmonious relations with the President and the executive departments and agencies. Congress' heaviest workload-the regular annual appropriation bills was efficiently handled and fully completed in the 1954 session before the start of the new fiscal year July 1. This removed confusion and uncertainty from Government administrative in the executive branchan achievement which Democratic-controlled Congresses utterly failed to accomplish in recent years. Party support of the Republican leadership and of the President ran exceptionally high. Congress was neither a rubber-stamp nor an unruly critic of the President's program. Beginning with White House conferences with Republican leaders in both Houses including standing committee chairmen, and continuing with weekly conferences throughout the session, Congress and the President cooperated for the good of the Nation. Detailed and continuous bipartisan consultations, not only on foreign policy but on domestic legislation as well, were carried on by the President and the Republican leadership with Democratic Party leaders in both Houses of Congress. The major accomplishments in detail are: REPUBLICANS END KOREAN WAR AND PRESS FOR PEACE WITH HONOR By placing American interests foremost and with firm, realistic policies, the Republican administration accomplished the following in its conduct of foreign relations: It ended the fighting in Korea, secured the exchange of prisoners, and began the peaceful reconstruction of that war-torn country. By strengthening Korean troops, the administration was able to bring home several American divisions. It kept America out of a hot war in Indochina while giving France aid and support until a negotiated truce was signed. It played an effective part in ending the Communist regime which had seized power in Guatamala. It took the initiative against communism in all parts of the world By exposing Communist hypocrisy, designs, and tactics at Berlin and Geneva conferences. By a congressional resolution supporting a united Germany. By a Senate resolution condemning the Soviet mistreatment of minorities and its callous disregard of human rights. By reaffirming official policy denying Red China's admission to the United Nations. By leading American states at Caracas in the adoption of a resolution declaring communism to be a threat to freedom and peace in the Americas and pledging full consultation in the event of any aggression. By negotiating arms pacts to strengthen central American countries against Communist subversion. By taking appropriate steps to oust Americans in the United Nations who serve the Communist cause and by instituting an FBI check on the fitness of Americans for loyal service. By undertaking to share information on atomic weapons with allies in the common defense against Communist aggression. And by proposing an international pool of atomic energy for peace. At the same time the administration acted resolutely to reinforce the defenses of the free world. It pressed France and Italy for action on the European Defense Community by indicating that American aid may not be forthcoming unless EDC or a satisfactory alternative is carried through. It continued to train and build up the NATO forces and to equip them with planes, guided missiles atomic weapons, and other materiel. New air bases were acquired in Spain and the bases elsewhere improved. European recovery and security are now so well advanced that American aid may be steadily and safely reduced. Military aid was given to Pakistan and aid to Nationalist China continued. Security pacts In addition to our network of security pacts with 39 nations, a treaty was concluded with Korea, a mutual assistance agreement was signed with Japan, and negotiations were begun on a security pact for southeast Asia. The Senate ratified three treaties providing for the legal status of United States forces in Europe, and four treaties to settle claims and improve relations with Germany. The Senate approved authority for the President to take appropriate steps consistent with constitutional processes to restore German sovereignty. Working strongly for world economic progress, the Congress and administration simplified customs procedures, made new studies of the trade agreements program and extended the act for another year, and continued the International Wheat Agreement. It concluded treaties of commerce and friendship with several nations, agreements on sugar production and marketing, and treaties concerning German debt settlements, Mexican migratory labor and dutyfree trade with the Philippines. It climaxed years of hope and effort by arranging for American participation in the St. Lawrence seaway, opening the heart of the Nation to ocean shipping. Humanitarian deeds Continuing its great humanitarian tradition the United States sent food to East Germany, wheat to Pakistan, and entered upon a comprehensive program for distributing farm-surplus commodities for famine and distress relief, and in exchange for strategic raw materials. A program was enacted offering refuge for 214,000 Iron Curtain refugees, including many orphaned children. By many changes and improvements, the administration has achieved better management in handling foreign affairs. The State Department was reorganized. The Foreign Operations Administration and United States Information Service were set up as independent agencies. The Voice of America was greatly improved. Regulations on security risks have been tightened and at the same time the rights of individuals have been protected. By a complete overhaul, nationaldefense policies and programs were brought into more realistic relationship with foreign policies and commitments. And in this field of heavy executive responsibility for the conduct of foreign affairs, the President worked in close cooperation with Congress and with bipartisan representaitves in both Houses. REPUBLICANS INCREASE NATION'S DEFENSE AT LESS COST By departmental reorganization, better management, and a thorough overhaul of the entire national-defense program, the Republican administration has built a highly flexible, mobile Army, Navy, and Air Force capable of handling anything short of a major international war requiring all-out mobilization. Should an all-out war occur, this program would and could be rapidly enlarged. Most significant are the actions (1) to maintain a large, well-rounded, highly trained and equipped military force for the indefinite future; (2) to incorporate atomic and other new weapons into the regular military arsenal for strategic and tactical use; (3) to establish an Air Force Academy comparable to West Point (Army) and Annapolis (Navy); and (4) to gear our military program to our foreign policies and commitments. These are history-making decisions. They result from a fresh appraisal of our defense program by a new team of military and civilian officials following the end of fighting in Korea. Their main object is to bring our defense program abreast of latest developments in policy, technology, strategy, and tactics. Recognizing the long-term threat and varied tactics of Communist aggression, the new program replaces crisis planning for peak danger years with continuous combat readiness for any contingency. Research, production, procurement, and expenditures are better coordinated to fit the large milltary program into the framework of a sound civilian economy which the Nation can afford to sustain indefinitely if necessary. Many billions available for defense Defense Department appropriations for 1955 alone total $28.8 billion of which $7.6 billion is for the Army, $9.7 billion for the Navy, $10.9 billion for the Air Force, with the remainder for other departmental expenses. Supplemented by $55 billion in carry-over funds, the total available for expenditure will be $83.8 billion. In addition, $1.3 billion has been authorized for military public works and large sums for atomic energy, merchant marine, and other programs related to the regular defense establishment. For 1955 it is planned to have an Air Force of 120 wings with 970,000 men and women as part of a planned buildup to 137 wings by 1957; an Army of 17 divisions with 1,173,000 men and women; and a Navy and Marine Corps of 689,000 personnel operating 1,080 ships and 13,200 aircraft. Plans for improving the Reserve force are in the making. Compared with previous years, the Administration has achieved greater actual defense power at lower costs and with substantial savings to taxpayers. The new program includes greater attention to continental defense by extension of the radar system to the Far North in cooperation with Canada, by a new continental aid defense command with improved fighterinterceptor forces and antiaircraft weapons, by coordinating communications systems throughout the country, by increasing the role of the National Guard in home defense, and by building cooperation in civil defense between local, State, and Federal units. NATO forces improved Our striking and defensive force in global operations has been strengthened by the acquisition of bases in Spain and by improvements in other foreign installations provided for in military public works appropriations. NATO forces in Europe have been improved in organization, by provisions for the exchange of information on atomic technology, by new equipment for conventional weapons, guided missiles, and atomic cannon, and by enlarged training programs for handling these newer weapons. By extended research and development, advances in technology and new production arrangements, all the armed services are improving the effectiveness of equipment and material. Congress provided $5 million for special air research and facilities at selected airbase laboratories. The President approved an expanded stockpiling program for the purchase of some 35 to 40 strategic metals and minerals from domestic producers wherever possible. The Army concentrated its medium-tank production for greater efficiency at less cost. Many changes have been instituted to improve service morale. Legislation was passed to provide control of promotions and better proportion between grades of officers. The program for handling security risks has been firmed up. Commissions will be denied to doctors and dentists if they turn out to be security risks. Segregation in the services has been ended. NATION PROSPERS UNDER REPUBLICANS President Eisenhower and the Republican Congress have given the Nation its greatest period of prosperity in history and have done so despite the adjustments required in changing from a war to a peacetime economy. The depression predicted by calamity howlers and partisan critics did not mate rialize. Prosperity was not accident, however. The Republican Congress and Administration took positive steps to instill public confidence, to smooth out the bumps that appeared here and there, and to spur peacetime activity to supplant declining war-demands. Yet the Government did not resort to any of the deadly socialistic drugs prescribed by left-wing economic medicine men. Cost of living stabilized The cost of living was stabilized. In contrast to the 6 percent average annual increase in living costs under the Truman administration, the cost of living has been held down to only slightly more than 1 percent since Republicans took charge. Likewise the rapid decline in purchasing power of the dollar occurring under the Democrats has been stayed. The value of the dollar has varied only one-half cent in the past 18 months. Republicans moved quickly to wipe out restrictive controls. Less than a month after inauguration the President voluntarily ended wage controls. Price controls were removed by March 17, 1953. Federal consumer and real estate credit controls were abolished. Many other emergency powers over various aspects of the Nation's economy were repealed by law, although Congress continued to June 30, 1955, the President's authority to allocate scarce and strategic materials in emergency and under the V-loan program, whereby the Government guarantees qualifying types of defense contract loans. In line with Republican campaign pledges to remove the Government from competition with private business, the Congress acted to dispose of some 28 federally owned synthetic rubber plants and restored to States their rights to develop oil, minerals, and other natural resources. Construction activities encouraged-small business aided Congress enacted a great number of laws to help maintain a healthy, growing economy. In the construction field alone, this Congress compiled a notable record. It voted funds and encouraged the building of such things as houses, ships, hospitals, health clinics, highways, airports, and rivers, harbors, and flood-control projects. Small business already is benefiting from the Small Business Administration, created by the Republican 83d Congress to make loans, sublet prime contracts, and otherwise strengthen the backbone of America. All business will be stimulated and more jobs created as a result of the tax laws enacted by the 83d Congress. Congress increased Federal research funds so that new ideas and technological processes can be made available for commercial uses, in turn meaning more jobs and better products. In a variety of ways the Republican Congress and administration moved to aid those relatively few areas of chronic and temporary unemployment. At least a dozen projects worth more than $20 million are being built in distressed communities through the taxbenefit program of the Office of Defense Mobilization. Congress extended unemployment compensation coverage to some 4 million workers. It also strengthened the unemployment compensation system by setting up a reserve of $200 million from which States may borrow when necessary, and in addition it provided for the refund of excess tax collections to States, enabling them to increase benefits to unemployed workers, as 25 States have already done. In addition, the Government has a whole arsenal of economic weapons which Republicans have pledged to use, if it should become necessary, to maintain a high standard of living for our people. Under Republican leadership, the Nation's economic barometers read "fair weather ahead." REPUBLICANS MAKE RECORD-BREAKING TAX REDUCTIONS Republicans kept their pledge to reduce taxes-by a whopping $7.4 billion in 1954, the largest tax cut the American people ever enjoyed in a single year. Individual income taxes were reduced by about 11 percent beginning January 1, 1954, the first tax cut since the Republican 80th Congress. Only because the Republican Congress and administration slashed Government spending by billions of dollars was the $3 billion income-tax reduction possible. By contrast, under Democrats taxes reached an all-time high in 1952. In fact, Democratic Congresses voted 14 out of 15 income-tax increases since the first income tax law was passed in 1913 by Democrats. Excise tax cuts voted by the 83d Congress means savings for everybody-in all, some $999 million-and will stimulate business activity and employment. Excise taxes were reduced on such things as stoves, refrigerators, clothes driers, handbags, cosmetics, admission tickets, sporting goods, telephone calls, and telegrams. To offset this loss to the United States Treasury, existing excise rates were continued on such items as liquor, beer, cigarettes, gasoline, automobiles, and cabaret admissions. |