I wish for nothing but to breathe, in this our island, in common with my fellow-subjects, the air of liberty. I have no ambition, unless it be the ambition to break your chain and contemplate your glory. The Century: 1884 - Página 1691885Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
| Samuel Silas Curry - 1888 - 456 páginas
...Let us conquer him or die!" UP drawbridge, groom! What, warder, ho! Let the portcullis fall! Scott. I WiSH for nothing but to breathe in this our island,...the air of liberty. I have no ambition unless it be to break your chains and contemplate your glory. I never will be satisfled so long as the meanest cottager... | |
| Trailokyanātha Mukhopādhyāẏa - 1889 - 424 páginas
...madness of the time. Grattan said in 1780— "I wish for nothing but to breathe, in this our land, in common with my fellow-subjects, the air of liberty....cottager in Ireland has a link of the British chain clanking to his rags. He may be naked ; he shall not be in iron. And I do see the time is at hand,... | |
| John Goss - 1891 - 272 páginas
...amendment; nor, speaking for the subject's freedom, am I to hear of faction. I wish for nothing but 14 to breathe in this, our island, in common with my...the air of liberty. I have no ambition unless it be to break" your chain and contemplate your glory. 1 never will be satisfied so long as the meanest cottager... | |
| John Goss - 1891 - 286 páginas
...for the subject's freedom, am I to Lear of faction. I wish for nothing but 14 210 FORENSIC ELOQUENCE. to breathe in this, our island, in common with my fellowsubjects, the air of liberty. 1 have no ambition unless it be to break your chain and contemplate your glory. 1 never will be satisfied... | |
| George Barnett Smith - 1892 - 658 páginas
...freedom, am I to hear of faction. I wish for nothing but to breathe in this our land, in common with our fellow-subjects, the air of liberty. I have no ambition...contemplate your glory ; I never will be satisfied as long as the meanest cottager in Ireland has y. link of the British chain clanking against his rags.... | |
| Frank Byron Jevons - 1892 - 528 páginas
..."I have no ambition" is a colon. It is also a sentence. But it is not a period. On the other hand, " I have no ambition, unless it be the ambition to break your chain and contemplate your glory," is a sentence and is also a period, consisting of two cola, the first of which is, " I have no ambition."... | |
| Ainsworth Rand Spofford, Charles Gibbon - 1893 - 472 páginas
...our island, in common with my fellow-subjects, the air of liberty. I have no ambition, unless it be to break your chain and contemplate your glory. I...satisfied so long as the meanest cottager in Ireland has a chain clunking to his rags. He may be naked, he shall not be in irons. And I do see the time at hand... | |
| George Pierce Baker - 1895 - 438 páginas
...in the shape of an amendment ; neither, speaking for the subject's freedom, am I to hear of faction. I wish for nothing but to breathe, in this our island,...unless it be the ambition to break your chain, and to contemplate your glory. I never will be satisfied so long as the meanest cottager in Ireland has... | |
| George Pierce Baker - 1895 - 436 páginas
...in the shape of an amendment; neither, speaking for the subject's freedom, am I to hear of faction. I wish for nothing but to breathe, in this our island,...unless it be the ambition to break your chain, and to contemplate your glory. I never will be satisfied so long as the meanest cottager in Ireland has... | |
| George Pierce Baker - 1895 - 436 páginas
...in the shape of an amendment ; neither, speaking for the subject's freedom, am I to hear of faction. I wish for nothing but to breathe, in this our island,...unless it be the ambition to break your chain, and to contemplate your glory. I never will be satisfied so long as the meanest cottager in Ireland has... | |
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