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" The old man told him that he worshipped the fire only, and acknowledged no other God ; at which answer Abraham grew so zealously angry, that he thrust the old man out of his tent, and exposed him to all the evils of the night and an unguarded condition.... "
Literary and Theological Review - Página 52
editado por - 1836
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Selections from the Works of Taylor, Latimer, Hall, Milton, Barrow, South ...

Basil Montagu - 1839 - 404 páginas
...worshipped the fire only? and acknowledged no other God. At which answer Abraham grew so zealously angry, that he thrust the old man out of his tent,...old man was gone, God called to Abraham, and asked him where the stranger was? He replied, I thrust him away because he did not worship thee. God answered...
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Cyclopædia of English literature, Volumen1

Robert Chambers - 1844 - 692 páginas
...worshipped the tire only, and acknowledged no other (.¡od ; at which answer Abraham grew so zealously angry, that he thrust the old man out of his tent,...old man was gone, God called to Abraham, and asked him where the stranger was? He replied, I thrust him away because he did not worship thee : (iod answered...
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Plain Practical Sermons, Volumen1

John Wood Warter - 1844 - 608 páginas
...worshipped the fire only, and acknowledged no other God. At which answer Abraham grew so zealously angry, that he thrust the old man out of his tent,...him to all the evils of the night, and an unguarded position. When the old man was gone, God called to Abraham, and asked him, where the stranger was :...
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Sharpe's London magazine, a journal of entertainment and ..., Volúmenes13-14

Anna Maria Hall - 842 páginas
...God. At which answer Abraliiai grew so zealously angry, that he thrust the old man out of his I'"1; and exposed him to "all the evils of the night, and an unguarded condiliull. When the old man wat gone, God called to Abralwra. and asked him where the stranger was...
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Crystal Fount and Rechabite Recorder, Volúmenes5-6

1845 - 792 páginas
...he :hrust the old man out of his tent, and exposed lim to all the evils of the night and an unguardd condition. When the old man was gone, God called to Abraham, and asked him where the stranger was? He replied, I thrust him away because he did not .vorship thee. God answered...
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Bishop Jeremy Taylor, His Predecessors, Contemporaries, and Successors: A ...

Robert Aris Willmott - 1847 - 344 páginas
...only, and acknowledged no other God. At which answer, Abraham grew so zealously angry, that he threw the old man out of his tent, and exposed him to all...old man was gone, God called to Abraham, and asked him where the stranger was. He replied, I thrust him away, because he did not worship thee. God answered...
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Cyclopaedia of English Literature: First period, from the earliest times to 1400

Robert Chambers - 1847 - 712 páginas
...God ; at which answer Abraham grew so zealously angry, that he thruet the old man out of his t«nt, A well-known punster. * Characters in ShadweU'e drama«....' Love's Kingdom* is tho name of a pastoral drama him where the stranger was? He replied, I thrust him away because he did not worship thee : God answered...
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Cyclopaedia of English Literature: A Selection of the Choicest ..., Volumen1

Robert Chambers - 1849 - 710 páginas
...worshipped the fire only, and acknowledged no other God ; at which answer Abraham grew so zealously , For thy delight, each May-morning : If these delights...Passionate Shepherd. By Rakigh.] If all the world him where the stranger was? He replied, I thrust him away because he did not worship thee : God answered...
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The Whole Works of the Right Rev. Jeremy Taylor...: With an Essay ..., Volumen2

Jeremy Taylor - 1851 - 1018 páginas
...worshipped the fire only, and acknowledged no other god. At which answer Abraham grew so zealously angry, that he thrust the old man out of his tent,...old man was gone, God called to Abraham, and asked him where the stranger was : he replied, ' I thrust him away because he did not worship thee.' God...
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The Literature and the Literary Men of Great Britain and Ireland, Volumen1

Abraham Mills - 1851 - 602 páginas
...worshiped the fire only, and acknowledged no other God ; at which answer Abraham grew so zealously angry, that he thrust the old man out of his tent,...old man was gone. God called to Abraham, and asked him where the stranger was 7 He replied, I thrust him away because he did not worship Thee : God answered...
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