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" An act to establish a public school system in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, together with the provisions by which it shall be administered, and prescribing penalties for the violation thereof; providing revenue to establish and maintain the same,... "
Dauphin County Reports - Página 31
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United States. Office of Education - 1933 - 1078 páginas
...abstracts and summary of the laws of the several States as they relate to tuition payments are as follows:9 school system in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,...thereof, providing revenue to establish and maintain same, and the method of collecting such revenue; and repealing all laws, general, special, or local,...
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District Organization and Secondary Education

Fred Engelhardt, William Henry Zeigel, William Martin Proctor, Scovel Summer Mayo - 1933 - 228 páginas
...abstracts and summary of the laws of the several States as they relate to tuition payments are as follows:* school system in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,...thereof, providing revenue to establish and maintain same, and the method of collecting such revenue; and repealing all laws, general, special, or local,...
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Statistics of Land-grant Colleges and Universities, Tema 17

United States. Office of Education - 1933 - 694 páginas
...abstracts and summary of the laws of the several States as they relate to tuition payments are as follows:* school system in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, together with the provisions by which It shnll lie administered, and proscribing penalties for the violation thereof, providing revenue to establish...
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Outlook for the Blind, Volúmenes7-8

1914 - 548 páginas
...EIGHT An Act to amend the act approved the eighteenth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, entitled "An act to establish a public school system...special or local, or any parts thereof, that are or mav be inconsistent therewith," by providing for the education of certain blind children, under eight...
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Laws of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Passed at ...

Pennsylvania - 1919 - 1358 páginas
...Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That section two thousand and thirty-four of. article twenty of an act, entitled "An act to establish a public school the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, together with tlon' the provisions by which it shall be administered, nnd prescribing penalties for the violation...
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Pennsylvania School Journal, Volumen59

1910 - 686 páginas
...JULY, 1910 JL&jJí PKOPOSKD NEW SCHOOL CODE OK PENNSYLVANIA. PREPARED BY EDUCATIONAL COMMISSION. AN ACT: To establish a public school system in the Commonwealth...thereof, that are or may be inconsistent therewith. ARTICLES. I. School Districts. II. School Directors. III. Organisation, Meetings and Officers of Boards...
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Public health reports (1896) no. 29-40, 1916-21: Supplement, Temas29-40

1916 - 1632 páginas
...and Teeth. (No. 335. Act July 171917.) SECTION 1. That the act approved the eighteenth day of May, 1911, entitled "An act to establish a public school...and repealing all laws, general, special, or local or any parta thereof, that are or may be inconsistent therewith," be supplemented by adding thereto...
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Journal of the ... of the ... House of Representatives of the ..., Volumen5

Pennsylvania. General Assembly. House, Pennsylvania. General Assembly. House of Representatives - 1914 - 1072 páginas
...the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania together with the provisions by which it shall be administered aud prescribing penalties for the violation thereof, providing...thereof, that are or may be inconsistent therewith,' providing for the transportation of certain pupils at the expense of the proper school- district."...
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Pittsburgh Legal Journal, Volumen64

1916 - 928 páginas
...mind, I am of the opinion that the title of the Act of May 18, 1911, commonly called the "School Code," entitled: "An Act to establish a public school system...the provisions by which it shall be administered, ind prescribing penalties for the violation thereof; providing revenue to establish and maintain the...
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Journal of the ... of the ... House of Representatives of the ..., Volumen4

Pennsylvania. General Assembly. House, Pennsylvania. General Assembly. House of Representatives - 1914 - 1070 páginas of an act approved the eighteenth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, entttled 'An act to establish a public school system in the Commonwealth...Pennsylvania, together with the provisions by which is shall be administered, and prescribing penalties for the violation thereof; providing revenue to...
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