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" What Conscience dictates to be done, Or warns me not to do — This, teach me more than hell to shun, That, more than heaven pursue. "
An essay on man. Cornish ed - Página 102
por Alexander Pope - 1798
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The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Volumen46

English poets - 1790 - 398 páginas
...Good from Ill; And, binding Nature faft in Fate, Left free the Human Will : What Confcience diftates to be done, Or warns me not to do, This, teach me more than Hell to fhun, That, more than Heaven purfue. What Bleffings thy free Bounty gives, Let me not caft away; For...
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Sammlung der vorzüglichsten Werke deutscher Dichter und ..., Volúmenes12-13

1790 - 530 páginas
...111, And binding Nature fad in Fate, Left Confidence free and Will. What Confcience dictates to he done, Or warns me not to do , This, teach me more than Hell to fhon, That, more than Heav'n pnrfue What Bleffings Thy free Bounty gHres, Let me not cafl away: For...
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Extracts, Elegant, Instructive, and Entertaining, in Poetry, Volumen1

Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 964 páginas
...fee the good from ill ; And, binding nature faft in fate, Left free the human will. What confcience ce cries, " There's nothing here but what as nothing weighs ; " The more ou (him, That more than heav'n purfue. What bleffings thy free bounty giyel Let me not caft away ; For...
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Elegant Extracts; Or, Useful and Entertaining Pieces of Poetry ..., Volumen1

Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 510 páginas
...Ice the good from ill ; And, binding nature fnft in fate, Left free the human will. What conference dictates to be done, Or warns me not to do, This teach me more than htll to ihun ; That more than heav'n purl'uc. Wha,t bleflings thy free bounty give» Let me not call...
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Roach's Beauties of the Modern Poets of Great Britain: Carefully Selected ...

James Roach - 1793 - 274 páginas
...fee the good from ill ; And binding nature fafl in fate, Left free the human will.. What confeience dictates to be done, Or warns me not to do. This teach me more than hell to flmn, . That, more than heav'n pnrfue. . 'What bleflings thy free bounty gives, Let me not cafl away...
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Interesting Anecdotes, Memoirs, Allegories, Essays, and Poetical ..., Volumen1

Addison (pseud.) - 1794 - 568 páginas
...To fee the good from ill; And binding nature faft in fate, Left free the human will. What confcience dictates to be done, Or warns me not to do, This, teach me more than hell to fhun, That, more than heav'n purfue. What bleffings thy free bounty gives, Let me not caft away; For...
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A Complete Edition of the Poets of Great Britain..: Pope. Gay. Pattison ...

1794 - 918 páginas
...good from ill ; And, binding nature fift in fate, Left free the human will : What confcicncc diôates to be done, Or warns me not to do, This, teach me more than hell to fhun, That, more than heaven purfue. What bleffings thy free bounty gives, Let me not caft away ; For...
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Francis Wrangham - 1795 - 132 páginas
...natuiam ligans Nunquam foluto, liberum fimul homini Arbitrium permiferis. What confcience diftates to be done, Or warns me not to do ; This teach me more than hell to fliun, That more than heaven purfue. What bleflings thy free bounty gives, Let me not caft away ; For...
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Observations on Pope

Gilbert Wakefield - 1796 - 382 páginas
...two words in the next ftanza : fee the note on the Mefliah, ver. 6. Ver. 13. What Confcience diftates to be done, Or warns me not to do, This, teach me more than Hell to fhun, That, more than Heav'n purfue. This ftanza was always abfolutely unintelligible to me. Suppofing...
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Poems, Moral, Elegant and Pathetic: Vis. Essay on Man

1796 - 246 páginas
...from ill ; And binding nature faft in fate. Left free the human will. What Confcience dittates to be be done, Or warns me not to do, This, teach me. more than hell to fhun, That, more than heav'n purfue. What bleflmgs thy free bounty giveg> Let me not caft away ; For...
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