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" ... in a book kept for that purpose in the office of the... "
Monthly Bulletin of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry - Página 83
por Pennsylvania. Department of Labor and Industry - 1916
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Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Volumen20

Massachusetts - 1909 - 1078 páginas
...beginning with the first day of July in the year of his election. Every such trustee shall subscribe, in a book kept for that purpose in the office of the city clerk in said city, a statement that he accepts the said office subject to the provisions of this...
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Constitution, Rules, Officers & Members of Engineers' Club

Engineers' Club, New York - 1909 - 154 páginas
...Every member of the Club shall give to the Secretary of the Club a mail address, which shall be entered in a book kept for that purpose in the office of the Club, to which all notices prescribed by the Constitution shall be sent. When no address has been given,...
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Public Acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan

Michigan - 1909 - 958 páginas
...from the time of such expiration. One of such articles of reorganization shall be filed and recorded in a book kept for that purpose in the office of the county clerk of the county where such corporation or association is located, and the other to be kept...
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Patent Laws of the World, Volumen1

Chartered Institute of Patent Agents (London, England) - 1911 - 848 páginas
...experts on the nature and importance of the invention. Art. 4. This patent shall be registered in full in a book kept for that purpose in the office of the Ministry of the Interior. Art. 5. Before the delivery of the patent to the applicant, he shall show...
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Sanitary code of the Department of Public Health of the City and County of ...

San Francisco (Calif.). Dept. of Public Health - 1911 - 200 páginas whom it was taken, and a memorandum thereof shall be made by the per, son obtaining such sample in a book kept for that purpose in the office of the Board of Health, showing the name of the owner or driver from whom, and the date when the same was...
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Ordinances of the City of Pasadena, California ...

Pasadena (Calif.), Pasadena, Cal - 1912 - 422 páginas until said person or persons have registered his or their name or names and address or addresses in a book kept for that purpose in the office of the Plumbing and Building Inspector. It will not be necessary to obtain a permit in case of the following...
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Health Bulletin, Volúmenes42-64

Pennsylvania. Department of Health - 1913 - 410 páginas
...the working hours, a time allowance therefor at the employer's expense being made to each employee so examined. Section 7. Every physician making an...examination, containing the name and address of the employee so examined, the particular work or process in which he is engaged, the date, place and finding...
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Pennsylvania health bulletin. no. 44-64, 1913-14, Temas44-64

1913 - 364 páginas
...examination, pnystcian'B record under section six, and finding what he believes to be ° '^•"'""•'"«n». symptoms of lead-poisoning, shall enter, in a book...examination, containing the name and address of the employee so examined, the particular work or process in which he is engaged, the date, place and finding...
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Acts of the State of Ohio

Ohio - 1913 - 1082 páginas
...believes to be symptoms of tion. lead poisoning shall enter, in a book to be kept for that piirpose in the office of the employer, a record of such examination containing the names and address of the employe so examined, the particular work or process in which he is engaged,...
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Reports of Cases Determined in the Appellate Courts of Illinois, Volumen175

Illinois. Appellate Court, Martin L. Newell, Mason Harder Newell, Walter Clyde Jones, Keene Harwood Addington, James Christopher Cahill, Basil Jones, James Max Henderson, Ray Smith - 1913 - 736 páginas
...constitute it a corporation de jure was to cause its certificate of complete organization to be recorded in a book kept for that purpose in the office of the recorder of deeds in the county where the principal office of the company was located, as required...
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