| George Barrell Cheever - 1830 - 516 páginas
...strews the grass-grown court, Once the calm scene of many a simple sport; When nature pleas'd, for life itself was new, And the heart promis'd what the fancy drew. See, through the fractur'd pediment reveal'd, Where moss inlays the rudely-sculptur'd shield. The martin's... | |
| Samuel Rogers - 1834 - 330 páginas
...the fancy drew. See, thro' the fractured pediment revealed, Wliere moss inlays the rudely-sculptured shield, The martin's old, hereditary nest. Long may the ruin spare its hallowed guest! As jars the hinge, what sullen echoes call! Oh haste, unfold the hospitable hall! That... | |
| Samuel Rogers - 1834 - 320 páginas
...the fancy drew. See, thro' the fractured pediment revealed, Where moss inlays the rudely-sculptured shield, The martin's old, hereditary .nest. Long may the ruin spare its hallowed guest ! As jars the hinge, what sullen echoes call ! Oh haste, unfold the hospitable hall... | |
| 1836 - 388 páginas
...the fancy drew. See, through the fractured pediment reveal'd, Where moss inlays the rudely-sculptured shield, The martin's old, hereditary nest: Long may the ruin spare its hallow'd guest ! As jars the hinge, what sullen echoes call ! Oh haste, unfold the hospitable hall ! That hall, where... | |
| 1836 - 514 páginas
...the fancy drew. See, through the fractured pediment reveal'd, Where moss inlays tho rudely-sculptured shield, The martin's old hereditary nest : Long may the ruin spare its hallow'd guest! As jars the hinge, what sullen echoes call ! Oh haste, unfold the hospitable hall) That hall, where... | |
| Charles Edward Herbert Orpen - 1836 - 676 páginas
...he cume; but he was still in that dawn and springtime of our existence, " When nature pleas'd, for life itself was new, And the heart promis'd, what the fancy drew." Pleasures of Memory. And, oh! he had a bitter disappointment, alas! he had many a long, silent, melancholy... | |
| John Aikin - 1838 - 750 páginas
...the fancy drew. See, through the fractured pediment reveal'd, Where moss inlays the rudely-sculptured shield, The martin's old, hereditary nest: Long may the ruin spare its hallow'd guest! As jars the hinge, what sullen echoes call! O haste, unfold the hospitable hall! That hall, where once,... | |
| John Aikin - 1838 - 790 páginas
...drew. See, through the fractured pediment reveal'd, Where moss inlays the rudely-sculptured shield, Tbe finer movements of the soul, That shun the sphere of pleasure's gay contr ! As jars the hinge, what sullen echoes call ! Ohiste, unfold the hospitable hall ! Tht hall, where... | |
| John Aikin, John Frost - 1838 - 754 páginas
...the fancy drew. See, tbrough the fractured pediment reveal'd, Where moss inlays the rudely-sculptured DE. I. OPPHESS'D with grief, oppress'd with care, A burden more than I hallow 'd guest ! As jars the hinge, what sullen echoes call ! 0 haste, unfold the hospitable hall... | |
| Samuel Rogers - 1839 - 510 páginas
...fancy drew. See, through the fractured pediment revcal'd, "Where moss inlays the rudely-sculptured shield, The martin's old hereditary nest : Long may the ruin spare its hallow'd guest! As jars the hinge, what sullen echoes call ! Oh haste, unfold the hospitable hull! That hall, where... | |
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