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" As regards bays, the distance of three miles shall be measured from a straight line drawn across the bay, in the part nearest the entrance, at the first point where the width does not exceed ten miles. "
Pions to quarks - Página 481
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The Parliamentary Debates

Great Britain. Parliament - 1908 - 1134 páginas
...first schedule of the Sea Fisheries Act of 1883, it is clearly laid down, in Article II., that — " As regards bays the distance of three miles shall...first point where the width does not exceed ten miles ; " and in Article IV. the limits of the North Sea are definitely fixed, and the boundaries of the...
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Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volumen158

1895 - 982 páginas
...extent of the coasts of their respective countries, as well as of the dependent islands and banks. As regards bays, the distance of three miles shall...point where the width does not exceed ten miles." The only differences in the definition of 1882 as compared with the previous definitions were the more...
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Transactions, Volumen16

Maryland State Bar Association - 1911 - 340 páginas
...specifically mentioned, "the limits of exclusion shall be three miles seaward from a straight line across the bay in the part nearest the entrance at...point where the width does not exceed ten miles." It is to be noted in this connection that the question as to whether the Bay of Fundy was or was not...
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Congressional Serial Set

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations - 1901 - 772 páginas
...marine miles shall be measured seaward from a straight line drawn across the bay. creek, or harbor, in the part nearest the entrance at the first point where the width does not exceed 10 marine miles. By this simple British process the 3 miles mentioned in the treaty of 1818 is nearly...
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Hertslet's Commercial Treaties: A Collection of Treaties and ..., Volumen21

Great Britain. Foreign Office - 1901 - 1366 páginas
...extent of the coasts of their respective countries, as well as of the dependent islands and banks. " As regards bays, the distance of three miles shall be measured from a straight lino drawn across the bay, in the part nearest the entrance, at the first point where the width does...
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Fishes and Fisheries of the Irish Sea: And Especially of the Lancashire and ...

Sir William Abbott Herdman, Robert A. Dawson - 1902 - 130 páginas
...low-water mark of the dependent islands and banks ; and as regards bays, the distance of three miles is measured from a straight line drawn across the bay in the part nearest the entrance, where the width does not exceed ten miles ; and the miles mentioned are geographical miles, whereof...
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Boundary Between the Dominion of Canada and the Territory of Alaska ...

Great Britain, Alaskan Boundary Tribunal - 1903 - 116 páginas
...Convention as set out in the first schedule to the Statute, and the second Article is as follows:— " As regards bays, the distance of three miles shall...nearest the entrance, at the first point where the width docs not exceed ten miles." from a line drawn across the bay at the first point where the width does...
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Proceedings of the Alaskan Boundary Tribunal: Convened at London, Under the ...

Alaskan Boundary Tribunal - 1904 - 524 páginas
...Statute, and the second Article is as follows: — "As regards bays, the distance of three miles shall he measured from a straight line drawn across the bay,...point where the width does not exceed ten miles." It will be observed that, as regards bays, the territorial 79 limit of three miles is to be measured...
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Proceedings of the Alaskan Boundary Tribunal: Minutes of proceedings of the ...

Alaskan Boundary Tribunal - 1904 - 496 páginas
...not to take place was, as regards bays, a distance of 3 miles, to be measured from a straight line across the bay in the part nearest the entrance — the first point where the width does not exceed 10 miles. That passage is extracted, and references are given at the bottom of p. 78 of the British...
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The Statutory Rules and Orders Revised: Being the Statutory Rules and Orders ...

Great Britain - 1904 - 1024 páginas
...dependent islets, rocks, and banks. As regards bays, the distance of 3 miles shall be measured from ai line drawn across the bay, in the part nearest the entrance, at the fir where the width does not exceed 10 miles. The present article shall not prejudice the freedom of...
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